Napoleonic, WSS & ECW wargaming, with a load of old Hooptedoodle on this & that

Monday, 21 December 2020

WSS: Playtest Set-Up

 Tomorrow, technology and health permitting, I hope to try another playtest with my homebrewed WSS rules. These have been modified since the last playtest session, so we'll see what's what. I'm working to try to get a C-in-C stand completed in time for the Imperialist force - they may have to take the field without a flag. They won't mind - reduces the risk of getting it captured.

Initial position - Austrians (on the left) in a prepared position near Mönchröden.
Neither they nor the opposition will get the advantage of platoon firing, but the Austrians do have some battalion guns - just saying.
View from the other end of the table - the Elector of Bavaria's troops (on our left) emerge from the woods to find the Imperial forces waiting for them. Hmmm.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Jon - not sure how this will go! One thing with a playtest is it can always be fudged or partially reworked if it collapses in flames.

  2. Hurrah!

    Toys on the table...

    All the best. Aly

  3. I have every confidence it will work well. Having tried them out a few months back.

    1. Having a serious look at the marching and manoeuvring rules today, and the "brigade" orders!

  4. I shall be interested to see what tactical differences there are between this and say the ECW since I know very little of the WSS.

    1. No pikes, better gunpowder weapons and a whole pile of footling drills to get the army into line of battle. A lot more time and motion in this game than my ECW efforts, I think. We'll see!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Ross - hope all well - socially distanced wargames - that's what we need.

  6. That table looks fantastic Tony! I join those in anticipation of hearing how it went.
    Regards, James

  7. Looking forward to this. All looks very nice.
