After publishing yesterday's photo of the
Battlefinder cards laid out for the campaign map, I spent a few hours playing around with
Gimp, and produced a proper graphic-edited version, which I shall have printed at size A3 (or possibly A2, if the resolution will take it) and laminated by my friendly local print shop, for putting up on the magnetic board in my office.
Here it is, in a reduced size. If you wish to have a look at it, remember this is just a home-tweaked version of The Perfect Captain's
Battlefinder system, which is available as a free download from their (his?) website. The only non-standard bit of these cards is that I have changed the place names to suit the North of England - so the influences are Nordic and Saxon rather than Norman. You will observe that some of the cards are inverted - this is deliberate, to get the river to run the correct way. Remember also that this is complete fantasy - no association with real places, past or present, is intended.
The card images do not represent immediately adjacent pieces of terrain - each of these sites may be anything from 5 to 20 miles from its neighbours on the board.
* * *
Supplementary “Late Edit”
I received a number of emails asking for
more detail on how the map is used. I am sort of feeling my way into this
campaign, so to some extent the answers are going to be “not quite sure yet”;
the idea is that it will be a simplification of The Perfect Captain’s Tinker Fox ECW campaign scenario, which
is intended for use with Battlefinder
and is, again, available as a download from TPC’s website.
It will be a simplification because I am
conducting this campaign solo – thus, for example, the procedure of issuing
“Letters” each turn to give orders to subordinate commanders can be a lot less
formal and detailed. I had also thought that I was going to do something pretty
rudimentary about provisioning the troops, based on the “Provender Points” (P
ratings) in the margin on each “district” card, ignoring the more daunting
prospect of running a detailed revenue budget for each army – my past
experience of campaigns has been that the road to insanity lies in the
On further thought, I’m not so sure. It
seems to me that the Tinker Fox game
is substantially about keeping one’s own troops in line, by paying them (if
absolutely necessary!) just in time to prevent open mutiny. I didn’t fancy that
overhead – not in a huge amount of detail anyway – but I am also aware that the
motivation of the troops in the ECW on a day-to-day basis has more to do with the
likelihood of their getting paid than with any minor issues such as the falling-out
of King and Parliament. Some element of revenue management may be
necessary, though I am a bit apprehensive about it. Also, the existence of a
treasure chest with each marching force gives some kind of additional objective!
Current thoughts, in no particular order,
and with no implication of permanence:
(1) A turn will be a week. In that time, in
decent weather, a mounted, unencumbered force may travel up to 5 districts
(i.e. most of the way across the map, if the way is clear), and other forces
(on foot, with wagons or guns) may travel up to 3.
(2) Thus the areas between cards represent
substantial distances, as described. The map as shown is not a mosaic of
terrain tiles; Dr Allen De Vries, who introduced me to the Battlefinder system, describes the map as “an array of football
pitches in a large swamp”, which is a little bizarre. Further, travel between
the districts is only possible along the 6 paths shown on the template. You
cannot fight, manoeuvre or do anything else in the gaps.
(3) The only element of continuity between
adjacent districts is the river. The river cannot be crossed between cards –
all crossing points are shown in the districts. In some cases, the road appears
to track nicely from one card to the next, but not reliably so. Between
adjacent cards, the paths and so on behave in some unknown manner which just
happens to get you to the correct edge of the next card.
(4) The cards themselves are probably only
a guide(!) – for a start, my table is not quite that shape, in any of its
configurations. Maps were notoriously poor, though I would expect that the
“home” (defending?) side would get less surprises on the battlefield terrain
than the other side!
(5) Initial idea is that the Royalists have
a major “capitol” (Battlefinder
terminology) at Lowther, with useful surrounding towns and villages capable of
supporting garrisons. The Parliament side will start at the bottom (southern)
edge of the map, and may be deployed on both sides of the river if required.
Objective for each side is to get the opposition out of the area, and capture
of the enemy capitol is an outright win. At some point, yet to be thought
through, the Parliament side will be reinforced by a Covenanter force arriving
in the lower right quarter of the map – from roughly the direction of York (or
Newcastle, or some such place we may never have heard of).
(6) Back to the housekeeping - Tinker Fox seems to me rather to gloss over the matter of ammunition. On the fells of Lancashire/Westmorland, you might come across a sack of beans or a stray cow or two, but a train of powder and ball seems unlikely. Again, I am keen to avoid insanity in the detail, but this does need some thought. Attacking and capturing powder trains was a well-regarded activity in these parts.
One message from the emails was “why
publish a map if you don’t know how you are going to use it?” – which is valid
enough, I guess. Partly I put it up there because a map is a map, and it must
be possible to use it somehow – especially since the Battlefinder system and the Tinker
Fox scenario contain more than enough clues for how I will choose to make
it work. I also put it up there to let it ripen for a while – like the “know
your enemy” pictures detectives put on their whiteboards in TV movies!