In my recent Battle of High Cark (previous post), I had another example of a medium-sized action which did not lay out
nicely in the official play-across-the-table, left-centre-right sector format
which best suits Commands & Colors. In fact, the battle did sort itself
into across-the-table, but it might not have done.
Since it was also a solo game, there were a
couple of reasons why I decided for this occasion to swerve my customised ECW
set of C&C Command Cards for activation. I’ve done this on occasions in the
past, usually replacing the cards with a semi-improvised dice system to fit the
scenario. These systems have all worked tolerably well – my personal view on
each of them is based on very short, Stone Age-man criteria.
(1) Does it restrict the number of
activated units to about the right level (i.e. something comparable with what
the C&C cards would give)?
(2) Is the extra overhead of labour and
mental arithmetic acceptable, in view of the advantages offered (i.e. is it a
pain in the butt)?
(3) Does it make sense (i.e. can it be
explained in sensible, real-world terms, or is it just an obviously artificial
game mechanism to limit each move)?
Dice manufacture in the Stone Age - lack of a numbering system was a major problem |
Point (1) is simply that C&C provides
the player with a hand of cards (usually the cards he doesn’t want), of which
he may play one – typically, the sector cards allow activation of between 1 and
4 units, though some allow activation of a number of units equal to the number
of cards in the player's hand. This gives an approximate idea of how much activation is
appropriate for tested use with C&C’s movement and combat rules, and with
the required (short) duration of each turn, to keep things ticking along.
Point (2) is obviously also about keeping the
game moving, and a personal aversion I have to command radii (which, of course,
are loved and embraced by a great many players whose views and opinions I
respect). I have had unhappy flirtations with caches of Command Chips and
similar – as soon as they become a nuisance, the Activation rules are
abandoned, and I use tasteful application of Point (3) to justify this.
My latest improvisation came after reading
some of Neil Thomas’ rules. It does not appear in any of Neil’s books as far as
I know, but I find Mr Thomas invigorating for a number of reasons. First and
foremost, he is not scared of doing something unorthodox in the interests of
simplifying and speeding up the game – I frequently disagree with individual
manifestations of this, but at heart he is definitely my kind of wargamer. I
have a slight difficulty with the fact that he often has several different
approaches for the same period, and I am never sure just how tested and proven
these rules are, but once you challenge accepted thinking the gloves are off,
and all sorts of new and sacrilegious ideas spring to mind.
All right, Foy – enough preamble, already –
what did you do for the ECW battle?
Well, first off I applied my
recently-developed “brigade order” rule. An “order” (activation counter) may be
placed against a single unit, or against a Leader/General figure – and in my
ECW games the Leaders go down to brigade level. Thus far it looks rather like
C&C. The ordered Unit or Leader may then move, fight, whatever. However, if
the order is given to a Leader, and if he is attached to a combat unit under
his own command, then a contiguous group of units from this same brigade may
be activated by this single order. Thus my armies have broken out in rashes of
coloured counters, to identify the various brigades, and the need to keep them
together to take advantage of this feature (an effect I term “daisychaining”
when explaining it to bemused visitors) forces the army commander to keep his
army organised. If a unit gets separated from its brigade, it requires a
separate order – perhaps it will be moved back into contact with the brigade.
In broken ground, or if a unit in the middle of the line breaks, or if (heaven
forfend) the brigadier stops a bullet, the additional hassle of keeping that
brigade under control is considerable.
A more senior Leader may take command of a
brigade (only one at a time) if the brigadier is lost. All Leaders attached
to units are, of course, at risk if the unit takes losses.
OK – that’s not really all that new – I’ve
mentioned this before, and bits of it are sort of derived from CCA. The new bit was the Activation rule. The “phasing”
player (don’t you hate that?) is about to take his turn, and he arms himself
with a handful of my patent blue ACTIVE counters and a D6.
He is only going to get to place a limited
number of Activation counters, so he had better prioritise, and he had better
be selective. He gets the first one for nothing – place a counter against any
unit or leader he wishes.
It gets harder as he goes along. For his
second order/counter, he must throw a 2 or better on the D6. If he gets 2+, he
places a second counter, and then he must get 3+ to place a third. And so on –
he may stop whenever he wishes, and if he doesn’t make the next number (or
successfully places a 6th counter) then he must stop. Yes it is
crude – I am proud of how crude it is – but it works, on average it gives
something like the number of Activation orders you might expect from C&C,
but you don’t know how many until you find out the hard way. Ideal for a solo
player - I found it easy, convenient and still with a good few stings in the
tail. On four, possibly five occasions in the Battle of High Cark I decided to
place an order against one of the C-in-Cs, to move him nearer to where he was
needed (just in case). As soon as the C-in-C was identified, without fail, the
D6 rolled a “1” and the C-in-C remained where he was. It became a bit of a joke
– a sad, solo joke, but there you go.
For a bigger battle, I guess I might use a D8,
or a D10, but the D6 might do for even very big actions if the brigade orders feature
were available. Anyway, there’s the outline. I liked it the other day – it
passed all my Stone Age tests. You can reject it out of hand, or improve on it,
or try it out, or tell me that it actually appeared in an SPI game in 1978, but
do – at least – think about it. Out of the mouths of fools and single-cell organisms
cometh wisdom – when you are contemplating the unthinkably crude, you may come
up with a few new wacky ideas of your own.
And, if you haven’t already, have a look at
Neil Thomas – I read and shrugged at his Napoleonic book, and did pretty much
the same with his One-Hour wargames book, but – by Gum – my mind was racing
afterwards. Homeopathy for wargamers?