Napoleonic, WSS & ECW wargaming, with a load of old Hooptedoodle on this & that

Sunday, 16 March 2025

Hooptedoodle #475b - Garden Project [3]

 Least unexpected post of the year? Big day here yesterday - long, heavy shift.

I took the opportunity to photograph various areas of improvement since the start of year. Some of this may not look like much, but it is a massive change after what has basically been more than 2 years of neglect!

The hedge extension is in place and standing firm

It's even lined up nice and straight. Some removal of tree roots from the old juniper was needed to free up the planting trench

This and the remaining photos are of the tidying up and mulching of various beds; this one is where the old leylandii was (the one which blew down in a gale) - discussion is taking place about hedging and maybe some feature shrubs

Backside of the front hedge - a prodigious amount of ivy, brambles and general rubbish has been removed

We have rescued our beloved white lilac, which was smothered in ivy

Tulips and primulas showing signs of life

The stump in the middle of this bed is the remains of a 75-foot eucalyptus, which was removed in about 2008

Some pointing of the patio is needed, but that is currently Priority 2 - if not 3

This bed was a complete wreck, with kerria and bamboo spreading about 6 feet out from the fence. This is more like it - we'll re-seed the bit of the lawn which got discouraged. We also found the rhubarb plant we got from Uncle Louis, years ago - haven't seen it for years!

This is a quick shot of the notorious Back Vennel - now it can be accessed without special equipment. More work to be done here, but one thing we found was the base of a clematis, which is our plant but grows entirely in our neighbour's garden - we may need to sort something out here


  1. Dan S emailed to ask why I chose to wear a long, heavy shift. I think it was because I couldn't find my hair shirt.
