It is now Thursday morning, and all the bits are assembling for our major hedge-planting frenzy on Saturday. Two 1-tonne bags of compost arrived yesterday, and our 12 new beech hedge trees arrived an hour ago.
We have two of these - this one is posing in front of the place were the hedge extension will be planted, the other was unloaded further up the drive, out of the way for the next subproject...
The trees look fine - they must all be about 6-7 years old, and have good-size root-balls in moist soil, wrapped in sacking
Beech hedges are pretty tough - they are an iconic feature of the scenery in the Scottish Borders. These specimens are locally grown, which is a useful reassurance; it is not unknown in these days of online shopping for people to order young plants which grew up in (for example) Kent, and for some species the Scottish weather comes as a big shock
I'm hoping we can get away without staking these - they look pretty robust, but I'll be on stand-by on Saturday morning in case it is decided we need to get some stakes in a hurry!
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