Sunday, 4 June 2023

Hooptedoodle #442 - From the "Roughs" Bucket

 While he was working with ideas for cartoons for my rules booklet recently, my artist friend PaK, for a laugh, did a quick sketch of me - that's moi, MSFoy - as a miniature officer from the WSS.

It finished up in the bin, of course, but I thought it might amuse a few of my friends, so I rescued it; note my trademark baseball cap worn on top of the wig. I'm not usually as cheerful as this, so the game must be going well.


  1. Much better than the police identikit drawings they did of you. Lol.

    1. I've asked you before not to bring that up...

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, sir! I have warmed to it once the initial shock wore off. This, of course, is the Age of the Selfie, in which people (not me) take zillions of photos of themselves, and they hate all the ones that actually look like them. Maybe a traditional portrait is a thing of the past?

  3. I love it! Perhaps this should become your new avatar?

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Peter - I think it must be 45 years since I had shoulder-length hair! These days I only have hair at all if the light catches it right.

  5. I'm not quite sure if I should be jealous that you have a friend who can do such clever caricatures, or glad that I don't!

    1. Time was when PaK's professional gig used to require him to produce recognisable images of politicians and sports personalities, but much of his work now is custom greetings cards, or likenesses of people's pets. He reckons that AI will put all artists and illustrators out of work in a very short interval of time, which is very sad really; the need for people to know how to do things, or develop their natural skills, will disappear, so the guy who performs brain surgery on us in the future will just ask Google what to do...

  6. Nice caricature! I like to draw the occasional cartoon myself, but have never really acquired the knack of caricature. Just dunno how it's done.

    I don't reckon that AI will replace the caricaturist, any more than 3D animation has completely replaced 2D stop-motion. What looks good and appealing in 2D looks merely grotesque in 3D...

    1. Hi Ion - I really wouldn't disagree with your view. What scares me most is that ultimately AI will also judge what is good and tell us what to think about it. You and I (with respect) both have the impediment that we formed our instinctive judgement and taste in the days when such things were still acquired by observing and paying attention to the real world. Not relevant now. There is a queue of generations just itching to be told what is good and what is bad, and AI is right where it's at, man. Dunning-Kruger - the ultimate version - becomes compulsory.
