Monday, 12 June 2023

A Load of Old Bullocks

 I've done very little painting for some months now. Apart from painting sabots with a 3/4-inch brush, a lot of stuff has been on hold, mostly because I have been having trouble with blepharitis again. Nothing dramatic, just a mild inflammation of my eyes which causes them to tear up and is a nuisance when I'm trying to read - or paint toy soldiers, as it happens. 

I've been getting some treatment for the old mince-pies, which includes heating up a bag of plastic pellets in the microwave and applying some unpleasant ointment, and it does seem to be improving. So on Saturday I did a very simple touch-up-and-varnish job on some Spanish muleteers which came my way via eBay. It's a very small start, but it is a start!

The only reason this is worthy of a photo at all is that the carts here have been painted and waiting 12 years for their drivers - you know it's never wise to rush these things. I have a reasonable number of such carts already complete, not to mention a handsome string of mules, quite happy to serve either side in the Peninsular War logistics department, so it's another small step for a man (or something).

The carts are Minifigs, I think, the oxen are Minifigs and Jacklex, and the "new" old drivers are Hinton Hunt. 

 Time to get back to the WSS lead pile, I think.


  1. It's always interesting when you talk bullocks Tony. Had a load of bullocks myself but they didn't wait quite so long to get painted and based. They actually made it to the table for a game too (other than as 'atmosphere').

    1. Very good. I have to point out that my own supply chaps have appeared on the battlefield from time to time - last time was Bob Crauford's strange day on the Coa, a few years ago, with mules and artillery wagons plodding slowly past Almeida to get over a bridge and off the table. A near run thing? - yes, probably. Exciting? - maybe. Fast and fluid? - not really - this was a game for the accountant to keep tally of the bonus victory points.

    2. It might have been a game for the accountant, but as a wise man recently said, "it's a tough job but someone has to do it".

  2. Hope your eye condition improves. Nice work on the train.

    1. Thank you sir - the eyes would be better in cooler weather - we usually get plenty of that.

  3. I almost bid on those three muleteers but decided I had enough already - glad to see they went to a good home.
    I do hope you get well soon.

    1. Thanks Rob - these new chaps weren't expecting oxen, so there may be some muttering. It's not the driving, it's the mucking-out.

  4. Good work on the carts. My sympathies on the blepharitis; I've had that too. My optician said it was caused by age and too much computing and it does have an annoying habit of coming back. Hope the treatment helps.

    1. Thanks David - it annoys me that I could have done a lot more to avoid the problem. Must try harder.

  5. I've got a few of these old figures, from Dave Crook's late pal.

    1. These old soldiers are a mixed blessing - eventually we come to terms with the fact that at best we get to borrow them for a while.

  6. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Bullocks or not they look the part to me!

    1. Hi Matt - I'm not sure, but I am beginning to suspect that as a warrior I am at my best organising the transport. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

  7. Tony, hope your eyes are back in fighting shape soon. I hope that the double shot of remote gaming last week did not exacerbate the problem.

    1. Hi Jon - the problem is definitely improving - a couple of months ago I'd have been nervous about being able to see well enough, but that wasn't a problem last week. If my eyes were watering, it was probably reaction to all those dead Rebs...

  8. Some venerable figures on display. I hope your eyes continue to improve.

    1. Thank you Keith. I was having another look at those ox-carts, and I have a feeling the solid timber wheels may be from a Warhammer-type background, so there are all sorts here! Most important aspect of fixing my eyes is to remember not to rub them. It's tricky eating spaghetti while wearing a scuba-diving mask, but I'm getting the hang of it.
