Tuesday 25 October 2022

WSS: Fighting Tomorrow - Intercontinental Playtest Session!

 If my broadband service stands up to the excitement, the plan is to stage a Zoom playtest of my heavily-edited, battalion scale version of Twilight of the Sun King tomorrow with the bold Jon Freitag. I'm really looking forward to it. Here are some previews of the battlefield (things may move around a bit before we start!).

Some of my hex scenery is in play, as you see, but this will not be a hex game tomorrow. It is quite a change to be able to pack the boys in on the "analogue" battlefield! Here we have a British army (dressed in red) defending a ridge position, near the town of Wartenried, against a rather larger French army (mostly not dressed in red). It does look a bit heavy for a test game, but one of the marketed attractions of the ruleset is that it works well with big battles, so let's check it out!

 More soon.


  1. I look forward to Wednesday's battle too!

    1. I salute you, sir - if I was wearing a hat I would doff it.

  2. Ohh very much looking forward to this. I have spoken in person to both you and Jon sir ...and I know you both as very good people who I have utter respect for - which of course means only that you will be out to UTTERLY DESTROY each other on the battlefield :)

    1. Destroy? You think so? OK then, I shall wear my lucky socks.

  3. Looks most impressive. Good luck with the rules play test and the zoom test. Enjoy

    1. Thank you Graham - I shall get an early night and have extra Marmite in the morning. I hope to learn quite a lot more about the rules in action.

    2. Really, the only way to learn a set of rules is to get them in action with an opponent.

    3. Agreed! I'll have my notebook and pencil standing by tomorrow, to keep a note of things which need clarification and things which didn't work too well - I'll be very grateful if you make sure I retain focus on this aspect of the outing!

    4. We will put the rules through the paces.

  4. Very much looking forward to how well these play - I have Twiglet but have never quite mastered them.

    1. Hi Rob - I've had them for a few years too - they are on a sort of dog's chance with me, but they are well thought of by a couple of friends whose opinions I take very seriously, so I intend to give them an honest evaluation!

  5. A lovely looking table Tony…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly - my Old School naked emulsion paint battlefields always come to life when the trees get added! One of my ancient Merit trees got damaged last night, so I'll have to get the gel superglue to work on that! These things have been with me for many years.

  6. Looks like it should ve a great game!

    1. Hi Ray - hope so - I'll certainly get to bits of the rules I haven't seen before!

  7. Looking very good! I look forward to the AAR. Please do supply some close ups of the action too!



    1. Hi David - one of the other things I have to remember is to take photos! Not a problem, though I shall also be playing keepy-uppy and juggling Indian clubs with my eyelashes. One message I had considered putting on a whiteboard or a poster is "Keep It Nice and Slow", since Les Higgins bayonets do not benefit from trying to move the troops quickly!

  8. That looks great. I've played some pretty big games of TSK so you should be fine with what you have there.

    1. Thanks Martin - this is all new to me - the game seems pretty logical if I keep it organised, though there is a chance of brain haemorrhage when the morale testing gets into full swing.

  9. This will be interesting, I have the 'Divine Right' rules from the same stable and have yet to play them, hoping to do so quite soon, hence keen to see what you make of these!

    1. I've now posted about the test session. My interest in the "Twilight" family was heightened by the existence of a 30YW/ECW relative, so I was keen to like them as much as possible!
