Sunday, 23 October 2022

Hooptedoodle #432 - Toadies, and lots of 'em

 No - not a critique of the political class of the day - I am steering clear of those fellows. It is the time of year for us to see a crop of toadstools in the garden, and this year's show is very impressive. This is probably because it has been raining constantly during Toadie Week, but is also because the roots left under the lawns by the removal of two juniper trees, two years ago, are now very obviously rotting nicely.

Each year I promise to photograph them, as a commemoration of the Turning of the Seasons (or something), but I usually forget, and they are very fragile things. This year they are, as you see, a bit special, so I thought I'd show them off.


  1. Very impressive, I have a friend who is very knowledgeable about fungi - we have a non- aggression pact, I don't talk about wargaming and he doesn't go on about fungi.

  2. Wowzzers! They look faintly edible, but, err . . . you first!


    1. Hi Hugh - there is no way I would put anything like this anywhere near my mouth, I promise. They usually last for a week, maybe two, depending on the weather, and disappear as brown mush. Nothing eats them, as far as I can see, though the flies are interested when they start ding back.

    2. ...that was supposed to say "dying back".

    3. I'm Aspergergic, I read it as dying back!

  3. You didn't manage to capture the fairies in the pictures.....☺

    1. Tricky chaps, fairies. Sometimes there are lots of them, but if you bring your camera they are nowhere to be seen. I still believe, though.

      It's obvious that these tree roots have grown right along under the lawn. I am thoughtful that there is an underground gas tank along there - I like to think it's a nice strong one!

  4. Very impressive Tony. Lots of fungi growing in my neck of the woods too. Our local pharmacy offers a free identification service so you can be sure it’s safe to munch them. Not sure I’d be tempted to try any of them mind you.

    1. I'm certainly not going to try any of this. The pharmacy service sounds like a good idea, since presumably they would get the job of identifying what antidote was needed if someone made a mistake. Just the sort of thing that foreigners think about and, of course, we don't have much time for foreigners nowadays, since we regained our sovrinty and that.

      You may have missed it, since foreign-language soap operas probably don't make it onto your local TV, but apparently BoJo now reckons he's pulled out of the leadership race. Some thoughts:

      (1) he reckoned he had over 100 backers - I think this may have been lie #7,214,803 - I swear his nose is getting even longer
      (2) maybe he decided that backing down for some supposedly honourable reason was better than getting humiliated?
      (3) on the other hand, this may be lie #7,214,804 and he may rock up at the final count wearing his black cape.
      (4) I'm keeping a careful eye on - although now supposedly a non-runner, he is still priced by some of the bookies...
      (5) he is, of course, much loved by those simpering old biddies in the Tory heartlands - anything is possible.

    2. Is the lettuce still in the running? ☺

    3. Good question Neil; the lettuce was confident of getting the required number of backers, and was going to canvass on the theme of uniting the Five-a-Day Party, but eventually chose to stand down in the national interest. At risk of being politically incorrect here, I do feel that a lettuce's place is in the side order of salad.

  5. That's an impressive looking display. We had a much more limited display near where a very small apple tree was.

    1. Something strange about this year - we also have record-breaking amounts of moss all over the roof and roof-windows. Was it awfully wet? - I can't remember, to be honest. It's been awfully wet this week, that's for sure.
