Thursday, 19 May 2022

WSS: More French Horse

 The scheduled battle took place yesterday - I hope to put a brief report up here in the next day or two.

Because I hadn't had time to get their bases and flags finished in time, these two new units missed the cut, but will be ready for action as from today. They are painted, again, by Lee, for which many thanks. They took advantage of the sunshine to have a quick trot outside. They seem happy enough.

Regiment de Grignan in the front, Lavallière behind. Paintwork by Lee, flags from Robert Hall


  1. They always look so much better once based up like that.

    1. Fresh new sabots...! Thanks again Lee - the boys are raring for next time - a bit of sunshine brightens up those grey uniforms too!

  2. Nice work, Lee!

    I await the battle report…

    1. Hi Jon - I'm on it! I've ditched the worst of the photos, so the plan is to get the remainder sorted, trimmed and re-sized tomorrow. I reckon the report should appear Saturday morning sometime. Since this was a playtest game, we did attempt a couple of rather rash situations - to see what happened. Therefore a little charging against cannons, not to mention breastworks, took place. Interesting.

      We came up with a very useful list of things in the game which are still a bit vague, or which seem to add work to the game which is out of proportion to the benefit - that kind of stuff. I have a fair amount to think about, but it was pleasing overall.

      Lunch? - oh yes - I am embarrassed to admit that, like much of the painting, the cooking was not my own. We had a choice of warm cheese & veg quiches, and some interesting side-salad dishes - all courtesy of my local village deli, which did me proud. All pretty healthy, apart from some wicked peanut butter and dark chocolate brownies, which may get a mention at Confession.
