Monday, 16 May 2022

WSS: Game Coming Up This Week

 Very pleased that a much-postponed game is going ahead here this week. If it goes well enough, I'll probably hash together some kind of report. We'll see.

I've scaled back my original ideas of the bigger table, groaning under the weight of the troops, in the interests of commonsense. What we are left with is the little-known Battle of Ober Eschenbach, in 1704, with Marshal Styrum's Austro-British army attacking a Franco-Bavarian force under the command of the Elector of Bavaria.

Let's see what happens. Tomorrow I must go foraging to raise some suitable rations for lunch... 

This is more like it. 

Styrum's Alliance troops are on the side of the field with the village. The opposition have been digging in a little on their right flank. Looks as if they've had it turfed too. Nice job.



  1. Looking forward to battle and to seeing what is on the lunch menu.

    1. Battle will be Wednesday. I've decided that the usual provisions for my solo games - peanut butter, cheese and Marmite on toast - needs a hefty upgrade for the occasion!

  2. Now that is a glorious looking table, Tony!

    1. Thank you Peter. In the interests of the playtesting aspect of this, I didn't include any rivers, so tried to keep it pretty simple!

  3. A lovely looking table Tony…
    I’m looking forward to seeing the battle…

    All the best. Aly

    1. First proper outing for the first "production" edition of the rules, so I expect to spend some time leafing through the book, wondering what on earth I meant by Rule 6.3(a)(ii) etc....

  4. All looking very neat and tidy as one would expect. Please get some close ups of the troops in action. Will the latest two French cavalry units painted make it in time for the fight? What rules are you going to be using?

    1. The period is ideal for my OCD - troops in straight lines, generals who looked for some clear countryside to give room for a proper set-up. I'll be using my own rules, which are unusually detailed for me, tactically speaking - units changing formation, actual morale checks, all sorts.

      The new cavalry units won't get their flags in time, otherwise they are ready. In fact I cut down the size of the armies a bit, so they would have been on the bench. The 4 previous French regiments of horse are on the extreme left edge of the first photo. There are quite a few examples of your painting here!

  5. As others have said, this looks like a nice set up and looking forward to seeing if you can make sense of your own rules come Wednesday ......

    1. Thank you sir - I remembered how to tie up the laces on my gardening shoes this morning, so the signs are good - I'm off to a flying start!

  6. Common sense has ruined many a glorious dream but also saved many a day. Here's to a an enjoyable game day for all!

    1. Thank you Ross - bless you. Do you think commonsense will ever catch on?

  7. Rob, who refuses to be defeated by Blogger's sneaky tricks ,sent me a comment by email:

    "The game set up looks great – I think you’re right in that less is more. Any more on this table and it would be more jammed than the M25.

    Sorry for no blog comment but still losing my battle with Google."

  8. Looking good and great set up, more importantly a real life opponent will make the day whatever the outcome. Enjoy

    1. Thank you Graham - looking forward to it!

  9. Nice looking set-up as ever. Those sneaky Franco-Bavarians skulking in defences. Not very sporting.

    1. Sneaky. Foreigners, you see.

      Speaking of which, someone drew to my attention an article on a news site (which may or may not have been the Mail Online), which, reporting on a football match, mentions "German hooligans baying in support of their team". It's good to see us getting back to some traditional stereotypes - reminds me how proud I have always been to be British.

  10. Looks good; looking forward to the AAR! Can we have some close ups of the action and figures too, please?



    1. Thank you David - brief report and photos will be coming up in the next bucket!
