Tuesday 13 November 2018

Old Guard Command Figures Finished

Here are the rest of the command figures for my two battalions of the Old Guard. Art Miniaturen figures, from the same set as the mounted colonels who were finished last week. I had some flags printed ready - unfortunately I can't find the beggars this evening, but I'll have a better look tomorrow.

When they are properly based, with flags, the two new battalions may take their place in The Cupboard, ready for action.

This has been rather a good week for painting - with luck, I should have some more Bavarians ready for finishing off in a few days. 


  1. Very stately looking Guardsmen, Tony!

    1. It's in the job description, Jon - the Old Guard are required to stand about, pipeclaying belts and consuming rations, until the battle is won, then march in with bands playing.

  2. What time fellows - not hinton hunt but fine fellows all the same!!!

    1. A bit fiddly, but nicely sculpted - a lot of superglue in there to make them robust enough for the tabletop!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, young sir. It doesn't matter at the moment, bu I was surprised to see that AM don't do anything for the Chasseurs a Pied - I guess conversion is possible, but they make an awful lot of everything else.

  4. Replies
    1. Hi Ray - yes - very much so. Note my response to Herr Freitag above - these chaps had to be spotless, and lots of contempt, if you don't mind. As the Grande Armee used to joke, the Guard's donkeys ranked as mules in the army pay scales.

  5. Those are simply too splendid, Foy. A bit to posh, I'd say, for Hinton Hunts, but just the ticket for Higgens.

    1. Thanks WM - I don't agree about the HHs - in fact I wouldn't even risk having a view, lest stones fall upon my house for years.

  6. Very nice work on these Old Guard Grenadiers, Tony!
