Thursday 15 November 2018

Homebrewed Flags - Old Guard Grenadiers 1804-11

Today's minor achievements have been (1) basing up two battalions of the Bavarian 5th Line Infantry and (2) hashing up some half-decent flags for my new Old Guard units (does that make sense?). A couple of hours playing around with Paintshop Pro and here are the flags. If they are of any use to you, please feel free to copy them. If you pass them on, I would appreciate a brief mention - nothing heavy, of course.

Just click on the image to get the full-size version, and save that. I'm sorry the files are so small, my starting images were lower-res than I expected - these flags should work up to just about 28mm scale, certainly no bigger than that. At 1/72 scale, since the real flags were 80cm square, the printed flags should be 11mm across - I like my flags a bit oversized, so I do them at 16mm. Whatever - you work out the scale reduction!

These flags are correct for the Grenadiers a Pied for 1804-1811. Between 1806 and 1808 (I think) there was a second regiment - during this period the 2nd Battalion colour would have been carried by the 1st Bn of the 2nd Regt, and after 1808 they went back to a single regiment, so the 2nd Bn would have got their flag back. In 1811 there was a further re-organisation to three Grenadier regiments, and the replacement flags from this date are recognisable because they have the number of the regiment in the corners instead of the grenade symbol. In 1812, of course, the flags were completely redesigned.

With luck and a steady hand, tomorrow I should have photos of the Guard battalions and the Bavarians all based and finished. No pressure...


  1. Flags look great!

    Have you seen the French Napoleonic flags on this site?

    While it has the 1st battalion flag there is no 2nd battalion flag.

    1. Thanks Jon - I used to use that site a while ago, and have some files I downloaded from there, but that was under a different domain name, and I'd lost touch with it. The artwork is good, but the lists of flags are a bit sparse - sometimes you can do better by looking up a battle. I've bookmarked it now!

  2. Didn't I use that same comment in your last post?

  3. You set a very high standard sir...

    All the best. Aly

  4. Very nicely done; I just used the Warflag/Napflag version!
