Wednesday 6 December 2017

Hooptedoodle #287 - The Sun Made It Again

08:13am 6th December 2017, South East Scotland
Having got up early this morning (lots to do), and having been subjected to the radio news long enough to get up to speed on what those ridiculous clowns in Westminster have been doing, and having heard the latest forecasts for the economy and the weather, I am almost surprised that the sun bothered to come up today.

In fact it did such a good job that the Contesse went out on the steps with her camera.

Perhaps there is still a little hope.

Coffee. Toasted bagels. Franz Schmidt's 1st Symphony. It all helps.


  1. Franz Schmidt? That's piqued my interest. I shall investigate his music.

    1. I like him - Symphs Nos. 1 to 3 all good. Think Richard Strauss, for dates and style. Reputation not helped by having been well thought of by the Nazis - mind you, so was Wagner. Franz himself not a supporter of the party, I understand. Severely upstaged by Mahler and Bruckner, of course, but I find him very pleasing.

  2. As he wrote it in 1899 I think we can rule out Nazi sympathies. Scotland looks lovely, as usual. Mrs C wants to visit for New Year. A long drive in the camper van looms as the English Channel is only 2 roads away.

    1. Since he lived another 40 years your he probably had some more time to think about it, but then we know for sure Wagner wasn't a party member either. Schmidt's oratorio, "Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln" was adopted by the Nazis as being a suitably inspirational work to reflect the glories of the Anschluss of Austria, but I think Schmidt had no such intention when he wrote it. However, he was blacklisted (posthumously) as a pro-Nazi post-war, which has kept his music out of the public ear (?).

      Two roads from the Channel sounds good - how long are the roads? Regards to Mrs C and yourself - I hope you get over here again soon. Cheers - MSF

  3. Very short, you can hear the surf on the shingle.
