Thursday, 7 December 2017

1809 Spaniards - More Light Horse

Yesterday I received a couple of commissioned units which have been in the pipeline for a year or so. Mr B has been somewhat indisposed recently, with one thing and another, but he duly delivered in time for Christmas, so I now have a nice present to give myself - or perhaps it was for last year - doesn't matter really.

Here, in Mr B's trademark style, are two custom-built units of converted Hinton Hunt figures. One is simply a Creeping Elegance project, to replace another unit of the same name, which I was never really happy with - so here is the new version of the Husares EspaƱoles...

Heavily converted HH figures - French mirliton hussar, hacked about, plume moved
to left side - not quite sure what the provenance of the horses is - if you're an HH enthusiast,
please spot the donor castings
I'll attempt a team photo of all the Spanish light cavalry for 1809 - that's
6 units of converted Hintons
The other unit utilises a very nice converted figure which I've admired ever since Clive (I think) got some a few years ago. Here, ladies and gentlemen, are the Lanceros de Carmona, all ready for Bailen.

Something a little different - straight from the pages of Jose Maria Bueno
They're nice, aren't they? Complete with stripey blankets - businesslike.

And that is the Spanish light cavalry complete, except....

Well, except that it would be a shame to waste the older version of the hussars, so I may repaint them and re-recruit them as the Husares de San Narciso - not sure about this. Beyond current planning, anyway.

There are now just 4 units of heavy (well, heavier) cavalry still to be painted for the 1809 Spanish army. - 1 of dragoons and 3 of line cavalry. They are in the new, all-singing, all-dancing plan for 2018.


  1. Those are really quite superb. Mr B is an astonishing artist. Congratulations, Foy!

  2. Great additions to the army. I really do like the Spanish, if nothing else it always looks nice !

  3. I too am anthusiast for PB's work... hopefully I too have a couple of unts arriving!
    His conversion work is excellent, both skilfull and creative.

  4. They would be a credit to any collection.

  5. They would be a credit to any collection.

  6. I agree with Mr Kinch: attractively presented troops, just itching for a war games table to gallop about on.

  7. Great to see you leaning towards Hinton Hunts - good choice! I'm fascinated to know what that lovely lancer figure has been converted from?

  8. Thank you all gentlemen - I just ordered the things and waited for the days to be accomplished - painless, really. Collecting for cheats. Prof De Vries observes approvingly (and correctly) that the regular hussars are lined up straighter than the volunteer lancers.

    Ian - no idea where the lancer figure started, but there has been a converted figure around for a while - possibly Mr L Gunner may know something about it...?

    I am developing a distinct leaning toward HH - it's because I live on a slope.

  9. Superb! I do have a fondness for lancers, esp if not in czapkas for some odd reason.

  10. Beautiful units, love the blue shades on the first regiment...

    1. Thanks Phil - Spanish army always visually impressive - real army more ragged than this, of course...

  11. Very nicely done those, both painting and conversion work. I really do like the stripey blankets, a great little touch.

    1. Mr B does a nice job - the blankets are essential to stop the KGL taking all the sunbeds.

    2. The French really pioneered the all-inclusive stay in Spain. Once they got there they didn't pay a penny more and swanned around the place on their mobility limbers.

    3. Love the picture. Agree about the French and their all-inclusive approach - they fell out with the management a bit because of all that nonsense about passing through on the way to the Algarve, which was probably a mistake, since it disqualified their insurance claim when they maintained that they had been unwell during their stay.
