Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Zoom Game Tomorrow; Set-Up

 It's been a few weeks since I did anything at all which was wargame-related, so I'm pleased to be hosting a Zoom game tomorrow.

Napoleonic. Peninsular. Based on the published Commands & Colors scenario for Maria de Huerva.

 I played this game 5 years ago, and I think it went quite well, so here we go again.

 Suchet's French against Blake's Spanish. In the interests of keeping it at least a little competitive, I've given Blake's army a few extra units. Each army also has a small reserve of 3 battalions, which may appear during the action.

Very plain field; a couple of ridges, a road and the monastery of Santa Fe in the right foreground. The French army is on the right here

From the other end of the table, looking from behind the French right flank

Some random shots of the initial set-up. Yellow counters denote light infantry; red counters (if you see any) denote elite troops - I think there are some Spanish grenadiers, that's about it

This photo is for Ian, since it features some Hinton Hunt French line troops...

...and this one's for me, since I have a great affection for Spanish infantry in round hats!


  1. Got to love that classic toy soldier look! Very effective.

    1. To me, Tony’s game presentation is elegant whether classic toy soldier look or not.

    2. The classic toy soldier look is entirely because I've been amassing armies of toy soldiers for over 50 years, and that's how they look. I do love them, in fact.

  2. Thanks for the photo Tony and great to see another CCN game in the making. Only thing missing is Wellington’s tree but no worry that is in safe hands!

  3. Put yer fighting trews on - I’m feeling lucky today!

  4. Provided those pesky horse boys don't get round the flanks I think Blake should have this one sewn up. ¡Viva España!

  5. Looks sensational Tony.
    From the fightin' words of your commanders I'd say that it is going to be a beaut game, 'fought' in a wonderful and proper wargaming manner too! :)
    Regards, James

  6. The game looks fabulous, Tony.

  7. A lovely looking table Tony…
    Hopefully the dice gods will look kindly upon you…

    All the best. Aly

  8. Well this looks great, of course! We look forward to seeing how 'Blakey' gets on ( 'I hate you, Suchet..' ). May the best army win..

  9. Thank you all, gentlemen, for positive feedback and vibes. The next post describes the glorious unpleasantness that was Maria Take 2.
