Saturday, 4 May 2024

Siege Equipment: ...and some new bits for the ECW...

 Same sort of idea, but today I have been filling a gap in the ECW lineup for sieges.

Again, the artillerymen are by Les Higgins, but the mortars are by Old Glory, which is a first for me. Just the thing for lobbing some very big grenadoes at the Other Lot. Or stones, if the budget is tight. Whatever.


  1. Nice figures and the mortars are very decent indeed, you are amassing a fine collection of siege equipment.

    1. All steam ahead in the Loud Bangs department. [Spoiler: my siege rules make provision up to about 1730 for mortars firing shell to destroy themselves on occasions...]

  2. Nice collection of heavy mortars Tony, should do some real damage.

    Hope you are keeping well, I must email for a catch up.


    1. Hi Lee - things ticking along - emails in hand.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Matt - yes - a short period of steady, though sustained progress. Next up is just a bunch of big guns to be painted - there was a pause while I confirmed that gloss black paint is the correct finish for iron gun barrels. My consultancy team reported back from as far away as Venice, and black it will be!

    2. And they were so better informed than me I could not contribute!

    3. It takes honesty and a bit of class to realise when one has nothing to add to a discussion. I am reminded of a time, some years ago, when for some reason I was a regular subscriber to a well-known military hobby forum based in the USA, whose name now escapes me. On numerous occasions I attempted to take advantage of the group by seeking some information. Very occasionally I got some useful responses; mostly people answered some other question they would rather I had asked instead, and as often as not it was incorrect anyway, and led to an off-thread argument which was mostly just depressing. I confess I may have done a little of this myself - I wonder what it is about online groups that encourages us to waste time like this. Is it the anonimity? Is it simply the fact that we feel we should have something to say, just to keep our average up?

      I got a good answer to my black paint question very quickly, which was useful. This is why, on balance, I prefer to consult friends, who have no pretensions and will not mess you around, so not answering is fine!

      University Exam Question posted on Nameless Hobby Forum: 'Moral rules often conflict, and we would need the principle of utility to resolve these conflicts.’ Does this mean that deontology isn’t a viable alternative to utilitarianism?

      Sample Hobby Forum answer: Regret that I am unable to answer this question, but since I had to spend money on the bus fare to get here, I shall justify my attendance by listing the players in the Arsenal FC team which won the 1950 FA Cup Final...

  4. I'm interested in seeing how an ECW siege game might play out. It's something I'd like to try but I've never found a way of getting started that I'm happy with.
