Friday, 12 April 2024

Product Search #817b

 This is a silly post, but someone may have a good idea. Good ideas are great; I am in favour of them.

I had a stock of circular cast-alloy 20mm diameter bases, very simple design, but nicely rounded at the upper edge. I got them back in the days of the NapoleoN 20 figures - as I recall, you got them with the packs of gunners and of skirmishers. Anyway, I didn't use them for the figures they were supplied with, but subsequently I found them very useful, in all sorts of contexts, for mounting odd sappers, or figures to accompany wagons, or ADCs. Odd-bods; you know how it is.

I guess I must have used them all, because there are none left now. I need some more. I know I can get 20mm round bases in 2mm MDF, and the world is full of plastic bases, with or without slots, but I like the weight of the metal ones, and they are pleasingly slim. With discs of magnetic sheet attached underneath, they store nicely as well.

Anyone know where I might be able to get such things now? A source within the UK would be great, since international postage is now well beyond a joke.

Here's a chance to earn my undying gratitude. 

If I remember, of course.

***** Late Edit *****

See Marc's comment below. It seems I do have some left after all. If I wasn't getting used to this sort of thing, I'd be embarrassed.

Thank you all - I get there in the end.



  1. I googled 20mm metal discs -

  2. Could use 1p coins they are almost 20mm diameter

  3. These may fit in with what you need?

  4. I thought you didn't do photos of yourself on the blog? ☺
    Anyway...are you wedded to 20mm size?
    16mm or 25mm here:

    If you want 20mm then here looks the best bet:


  5. I was going to say the same as fireatwill above

  6. Thanks all for suggestions, and for using Google without adult supervision. Much appreciated. Pennies are OK - I don't care for the writing on them (since I don't propose to hide it with kitty-litter), but it's an interesting idea. You are all good chaps, and the links sparked further ideas.

  7. Have you a picture of what you are referring to please

    1. Now there's a thing. I thought to myself, "It would be great to have a photo of an unpainted example - it's a pity I have none left", and then I thought, "I'm sure I had quite a few, though - they were in a little wooden box, with a label on it..."

      So I had a look in my painting desk drawer, and I found a little wooden box. No label though - I must have lost interest before I attached a label. Opened up the box, and it seems I have rather a lot of the things - in two sizes. I have inserted a photo as a Late Edit to my post.

      I've included a 20mm WSS artilleryman (for scale) and the box (for context). The discs are cast white metal, and were made by NapoleoN Miniaturas, in Murcia, long, long ago. This renders my post even more stupid than it was originally, but I had a good laugh about it, so thought I'd share that.

      I have more than enough of the small ones for my siege gun/sapper basing job. So thank you very much.

  8. Perhaps too much of the contents of the wooden box have been consumed? ☺

    1. Nice idea - chance would be a fine thing. I guess the box must have come with a miniature. I had two proper-sized bottles of the 1965 vintage - given to me for a strategic birthday, back in another century. All gone now. Not sure, but I might have to sell an awful lot of my soldiers if I wished to obtain more of the stuff now!
