Thursday, 8 February 2024

Guest Spot - More of Steve Cooney's 20mm ECW Collection

 Steve Cooney occasionally shares photos of his fine 20mm ECW collection. This week there are some shots of the artillery. All sorts of goodies on view, featuring Steve's legendary conversion work; from great big demi-Culverins to little Scottish frames and horse teams. I particularly like the fellows loading a big mortar grenadoe with a shoulder-yoke.

Steve writes:

Attached photos of ECW artillery , figures are Hinton Hunt with a few Les Higgins conversions and Demi-culverin cannon are mostly Hinchliffe 20mm range .

Hope you like them
 Thanks very much Steve; I like them very much!


  1. Beautiful. I see he has the same problem as me, he cant stop collecting ECW artillery.

  2. I like 'em too! Very fine-looking artillery park.

  3. Gosh, they’re lovely. I’d probably spend as much time looking at them as playing with them. Hope he’s got some decent display cases.

  4. Impressive artillery collection. Agree with you on the mortar. Lovely stuff.

  5. Very nice indeed!! What a cracking collection, really top notch.

  6. What a great collection, he must have enough artillery to play it one-for-one for many actions. How many horse does he have? They would look spectacular if they are on the same scale.

    1. Hi Rob - Steve's ECW are all Hinton Hunt-based, so the scale is consistent throughout. Since his occasional guest ECW posts have built up into something well worth a look, I added an extra label to my blog - have a look at

      If it doesn't work, please give me a shout!

    2. The link worked a treat - so pleased to see Steve's infantry have their shot as deep as their pike - one of the bees in my bonnet. My collection is 25mm Hinchliffe's with one or two guest castings sneaking in here and there. The foot units are only a couple of figures less than Steve's as mine are all 40-figs and my cavalry fight two-deep - so footprint is a real issue! That said had my first game with them on my new, bigger, 10'5' table on Sunday (4-Feb).

  7. Wow! He must have more artillery than most of the real armies of the ECW ever had! Very impressive. :-)
