Saturday, 6 January 2024

Max Foy's Underwhelming New Year Quiz for 2024

 It's a while since I did a quiz post. This one, I confess, is primarily an attempt to unload some more clutter, but someone might fancy the prize, and the quiz might offer a little amusement, if only for me.

I bought these in 2019, and even publicised them here. I had great ideas that they would make a useful conversation piece for coffee and tea breaks when all my wargaming friends came to visit. Ah, well. What with pandemics and a few other set-backs, I believe that they may never have been used, and my current enthusiasm for clearing the decks and the cupboards resulted in my gimlet eye falling on them.

I don't know the maker; they are cute, but of moderate quality, and you will probably recognise that the subjects depicted are Napoleon and his staff at Eylau, Napoleon in Egypt, Napoleon's Old Guard Grenadiers and a Napoleonic infantry flag (complete with dodgy spelling). Just the thing in which to enjoy your battlefield tea, and they are especially useful for putting at the front of a suitable bookshelf, or you could even give them away in a daft quiz on Blogger. 

I offer the set of 4 as a single prize. To win them, all you have to do is study the photo below and provide answers to the questions. Accuracy is welcome, of course, though I am likely to offer more marks for humour and entertainment; the scoring system, as ever, will be shamelessly unfair.

Here we go - this is a photo taken in a European city, some years ago. It is not a published photo, so Google may not help very much. The scene shows tourists visiting one of this city's two town halls. Having two town halls is not uncommon, usually an old one and a better, newer (or less ruined) one, but the reason why this city needed two halls is unusual.

My questions are:

(1) Which is the city?

(2) Why did they build a second town hall?

(3) Which one is in the photo?

The country is German-speaking. Religion is relevant.

If you send a comment containing your answer then I shall keep it on file until the 13 January, when I'll pick a winner and publish the results. If you do not want the prize, and are entering merely for glory, please say so. I regret that sending this prize by international post seems a very bad idea, so it is possible that prize entries are for the UK only, though I would be interested in any ingenious ways to make the offer less restrictive.

If you would like some extra information, send it in a comment which does not contain any answers. It is very likely that I shall refuse the extra information - it depends what it is, and what mood I am in.

 All the best, if you have a go, and thanks very much for reading this nonsense anyway.


  1. This is an easy one. Well, at least (1) and (3). I have photos of this building from my trip to Regensburg. This is the Old Town Hall. There must be a good story why the new one was build but I don’t know it.

  2. Hi Tony. This is just an entry for the sake of the glory.
    (1) The town is Regensburg. I guessed that because recently you said it was one of your favourite places to visit, and you mentioned it in your posts about your tour of the 1809 campaign region. A Quick Look at the Wiki page shows the a pic of the old town hall.
    (2) I've completely failed to find any reference to why the new town hall was built. So I'm guessing that the good burghers eventually got tired of the Perpetual Diet* (don't we all?) held in the old Rathaus and moved to new premises.
    (3) The building on the left is the old one. I guess the picture on the right is the new. Both are in the same square and I suppose it's a trick question. There's probably a glass box elsewhere dating to the 1960s or 70s which is the seat of local government now as the 'new' town hall is probably unsuitable for modern use.

    * Almost as good as the Diet of Worms.

  3. I wouldn’t even know where to begin until I looked closely I thought it was Colditz! As a very undertravelled gent where German speaking countries are concerned …… the mugs are nice though. Good luck to other readers 🤪

    1. Now you mention it, maybe it is Colditz after all...

      Thanks Graham.

  4. I think your festive greetings rather gave the game away...
    But as I am also in clutter reduction mode I'll leave the answers to others to find.
    BTW I think it's Napoleon on Campaign in 1814 (in France) by Meissonier Eylau.

  5. Tony, I may need to make an addendum to my earlier guess. I wonder if (3) is actually a trick question? I focused attention on the building on the left with balcony. That is the old town hall.
    The building to the right is the new town hall but the front is not showing. The smaller connecting building was built so that the Important People could walk between the two without getting wet.

  6. I think the mug on the left actually shows Napoleon and his staff during the 1814 Campaign in France. But I haven't got the faintest idea about the quiz questions.

    1. Thanks Arthur - yes, you are quite right - I think it's N and his chums after the Battle of Laon in 1814 - wasn't that a Prussian victory, by the way? On good days I can remember that.

  7. Just in it for the fun anf glory.
    (1) Which is the city?
    Regensburg (crossed keys over he archway gave it away)

    (2) Why did they build a second town hall?
    Not 100% sure. Parts of it, the Reichssaalgebäude got abandoned and neglected after 1806 dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. Some of the original town hall is still in use, but most of the administration is in the new building

    (3) Which one is in the photo?
    the old one... the new one is a modern glass monolith...
