Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Kilsyth (bis) - 1645

Baillie's reserve troops - Fife foot and a medium gun on his left. Yellow counters indicate "Raw" troops

 The background to this is twofold, I think. Maybe threefold - we'll see.

(1) I had been discussing with the Jolly Broom Man (JBM) the possibility of his trying a Zoom game with me. It is worth reminding myself that a game involving a gentleman in Darkest France, hosted here in the Darkest Scottish Border Country, is pretty much familiar territory, where two years ago I'd have been astounded that it was possible.

(2) Back in the Pandemic Days of 2021 I had the pleasure of hosting the Battle of Kilsyth (1645) on Zoom. On that occasion I was the umpire and message boy, and my guests were the noted Daves #1 and #2, who between them shared the roles of The Marquess of Montrose (leading the pro-MacDonald rebel forces, who may or may not have had some political affiliation with King Charles I) and of William Baillie, general commanding the Scottish Government troops. Poor Baillie has not been handled well by history, comparatively speaking, and receives very little adulation. Let us just say that there is still a Montrose Society, which has cheese-&-wine evenings and occasional presentation of papers, but you will not find any trace of a William Baillie Society. 


My previous post on this battle was preceded by an unseemly wealth of information about the campaign and its politics, padded out with accounts of my falling into ditches and streams as I explored the battlefield, complete with heavy boots and cheese sandwiches. With all humility, and with whatever apologies are needed for my customary blind zeal in these matters, I was very pleased with the way my battle turned out, and added it to a list of games I would like to run again.

I am pleased to record the fact that JBM is (or was) an established user of my own Commands & Colors-based ECW rules - in fact he helped me sort out the bugs in the earlier version. Since he was receptive to the idea of using a re-run of Kilsyth as the vehicle for our Zoom extravaganza, I was able to reissue much of the previous paperwork, and I still had the troops labelled in the boxes, from last time.

The game was arranged for the afternoon of 22nd December. On this occasion, JBM was to be Montrose [since it would probably be ill-mannered to invite a guest to be Baillie], I was Baillie and we promised to keep each other right on the rules. I'd never tried this before, but since we each have a set of the Command and Chaunce (Event) game cards, and the necessary Battle Dice, we played to the original rules, rather than using any substitute, dice-based activation system. In case, like me, you had ever wondered, I can tell you it is possible to play with two sets of cards, even 1000 miles apart - it makes no difference that we used 2 sets rather than sharing 1.

The game went well - we had minimal hangs in the broadband, but nothing major. 

Background Story, and the Historical Battle:


Montrose’s army was originally set up in an approximate line of battle stretching from around D7 and then upwards, (to the west) off the table, waiting for the Dumb Covenanters to march along the road from Stirling (the road is just off the left edge of the table, and parallel to it). The initial rebel line up was (probably) Highlanders on their left, Irish in the centre, regular Foot on the right, with Horse covering the rear of the flanks.


Baillie realised there was a trap, so sent his army on a march along the bottom edge of the map, from the left of the table, using dead ground as much as possible, heading to the high ground beyond the mill at Auchinrivoch, which would place him above and behind Montrose's left flank. If Montrose withdrew, or even just sat there, Baillie was happy to sit and wait for a reinforcement commanded by the Earl of Lanark, which was thought to be coming from the west.


[This initiative of Baillie’s effectively turns the traditionally accepted Kilsyth battlefield through 90 degrees.]


However, two things went wrong for Baillie:


(1) Montrose became aware of the flanking move, and rushed his army to face to their left - their positions on the table reflect how quickly the units could move, and where they were starting from.


(2) for some reason, the small Commanded Shot unit (under Maj Haldane), which was to lead the Foot units to Auchinrivoch, and Home's (veteran) regt of Foot saw highlanders on the other side of the little valley, apparently looking a bit disordered, and deduced that Montrose's chaps were retreating over the mountains (north); thus both units stopped marching up to the mill, and turned to attack directly. Baillie failed to correct this, and was obliged to throw in as much as he could to make the best of this premature attack. Game on.



I'll give a very quick resumé of the game, and let the captions to the photos provide a little more detail.


Baillie decided that, though he had not wished to start an attack before his right wing troops reached their intended position above Montrose's left flank, the potential unsteadiness of the Highland troops in Montrose's centre gave an opportunity to gain the initiative; the Government troops got off to a brisk start, taking a 2-0 lead on VPs (7 needed for the victory), eliminating one of the Clan groups, plus one of Mac Colla's Irish battalions, and occupying the enclosure at Auchinvalley.


Subsequently Montrose's horse got themselves organised on their own left, made very short work of their Government equivalents, and rolled up Baillie's army from the flank. The game ended with Montrose in a decisive 7-2 lead. History is vindicated once again, though Balcarres, commanding the Government horse, was badly at fault for the collapse and the exposure of Baillie's right. 


I must thank JBM for his excellent company, and some real laughs along the way.


This was my last fluttering for a while - 2 days later I was laid out with the flu, and managed to hurt my back, coughing, (not recommended as a plea for a hero's sympathy), so I missed the entire Holiday period.


Oh well... 

Initial situation, from behind Baillie's left flank - yellow counters mark Raw troops, red counters Veterans

And, again, the starting position, this time from Baillie's right
This is Montrose's hastily improvised line, from his own left - Veteran Irish troops in the centre, Highlanders beyond them
The Highlanders are moved forward around the enclosure at Auchinvalley Farm
Baillie's inexperienced reserve troops, Fife infantry under John Leslie, take up a strong position on the left
Early success for the Government; Robert Home's RoF, supported by Haldane's Commanded Shot, take the enclosure and do some major damage to the Highlanders
One further piece of ill-fortune for the Rebel troops at this point was being required to draw a "Chaunce" card, which revealed that all of Montrose's mounted troops had been supplied fodder contaminated with chickweed, which slowed them down for the rest of the day [it has to be said they did pretty well on it, at that...]. Here Airlie and Nat Gordon sort out the Royalist horse on their left wing

Mac Colla (base #11?) brings up his Irish troops. Beyond them we see Montrose (mounted, accompanied by the King's standard), attempting to calm down the Highlanders after a nervous start
The Earl of Balcarres, with the Government horse and the leading part of Baillie's intended infantry advance, gains the high ground beyond the windmill at Auchinrivoch
At this point, Baillie thought things were going pretty well...
Through total stupidity, Balcarres miscalculated an opportunistic attack on the Rebel horse (forgetting that "Trotter"-type horse may travel 3 hexes, but only 2 if they intend to fight anyone when they get there), and was very badly beaten
Now, suddenly and very clearly, Baillie could see that the failure of his cavalry had completely exposed his right flank. Bad news. With the inspirational support of his personal chaplain, he attempted to consolidate the troops in his centre, who seemed less than impressed with the idea

The asides of glory; one of the Highland clan units was sent to the rear by a Chaunce card, to replace poor-quality powder they had been provided with - they received occasional encouraging news from the front...
...and now it comes; the Rebels roll up Baillie's right - in particular, Airlie's horse did a formidable amount of damage at this stage... (if there is a Man of the Match award for the day, they probably deserved it)

Far from Fife, and fed-up - Henderson of Fordell's lads wonder if it is time to go home yet
Mac Colla (back corner with the ridiculous axe) takes the enclosure again, with one of his very fierce Veteran Irish units. Mac Colla's standard (which I believe is the MacDonald flag of the Lord of the Isles) is also in the field, to indicate where Mac Colla has got to
General impression of the end of the day, with Montrose's cavalry sweeping around the Government flank - it looks like a very long walk back to Stirling, gentlemen


  1. Oh dear, you can see why there is still a Montrose Society but no equivalent for Baillie, although I would always choose him, if playing a game in this era. Well done on managing the Zoom technology once again....remote gaming is definitely one of the silver linings of the Covid situation !

    1. Poor old Baillie - his justificatory letters from the original enquiry are interesting reading; he gives the distinct impression of a glass half-empty man. In fact, glasses of any variety would not have been welcome in his Covenanter army! He is also reputed (thanks entirely to Nigel Tranter) to have been a small, ugly man with a squeaky voice. This appears to be Ox Droppings - shades of the Xmas Panto.

  2. Good to see you remotely Zooming along at the gaming table, Tony. Hope you are well on the mend from both back ache and flu.

    1. Hi Jon - definitely getting back to my customary standards of impressive vigour, though still rather "dotting and carrying one", as my Preston Grannie used to say. It must be the chickweed.

  3. Interesting scenario and a lovely looking table and figures, great stuff!

    1. Thanks Donnie - it was an enjoyable day.

  4. Had a great “day out” so thanks for the game Tony. You definitely gave me the easier of the two sides to play! C&C always produces a good game but the result is as much to do with the cards you end up with as anything. I got a very useful rally card which probably saved the day for me in the centre, whatever the horse were doing on the flank. The only thing I’d change, is rolling my own set of dice - which I was fortunate enough to have, but which would on reflection have been better rolled by you / the host, under the glare of the camera.

    1. Thanks again JBM - point noted about the dice. I hope the photos give an idea of what the Zoom pictures might have looked like if Zoom allowed HD!

  5. Good to see the Auld Alliance of Scotland and France revived!
    Sorry you did not much better than I as Baillie, though taking the fight briskly to the Highlanders was a good start. I think I blamed the dice for my defeat - always a good excuse. As ever, the table and armies look lovely!

    1. Hi David - I realised very quickly that the cavalry move was a mistake, but found myself thinking, "perhaps I'll be lucky!". Lifemanship Lesson No. 413a: if you ever find yourself relying on good luck, go and slap yourself in front of the mirror. The game is interesting enough for me to want to try it again - there must be some way Baillie can swing this...

  6. A battle I intend to fight once my Armies are done! Glad it was a most enjoyable event and the use of Zoom despite its limitations does allow such games to be fought with the minimum of inconvenience to those taking part. Of course the right side won! 😁

    1. Interesting little battle, no doubt about it! Not convinced that Montrose was ever too sure what side he was on, though he certainly relied very heavily on the anti-Campbell boys that year. You mean that King chap? - nah - the King was never interested. The King was about as appreciative of Montrose as he was of Newcastle.

  7. Sorry to hear you've been unwell and wishing you better for 2023. A fun game by the looks of it, but then I always enjoyed JBM's 6mm ECW C&C games. It would be nice to see these stitched into a campaign.

    1. Hi Rob - thanks for good wishes. I intend to do another ECW campaign before long; I thought about Montrose, but the warfare is very strange - what I mean by this is that his victories were all sort of against the odds! I am interested in the idea though.

    2. Have you read Stuart Reid's 'Crown, Covenant & Cromwell'? That paints a far less impressive picture of Montrose and to me seemed to say he was always cruising for a bruising like that he finally got handed at Philliphaugh. But then that dead Frenchman always preferred to bet on lucky generals rather than good ones.

    3. Rob - thanks for asking this question, because you reminded me that I think I bought the book but have never read it! A short search located it in The Wrong Bookcase. Aha! I shall now check it out - I have Stuart's "Campaigns of Montrose" and an alarming number of his other Covenanter works, but had forgotten this one. Stuart does make rather a thing out of rocking boats, but he has stated in the past that you win no prizes for criticising Montrose, or even for failing to praise him enough! I strongly suspect that Montrose was determined to be famous and influential, whatever happened, and he lived in the shadow of Mac Colla for a year or so. By Philiphaugh he had no cards left. Ultimately, he was too freaky to live.

  8. This is becoming your catch phrase "I realised very quickly that the cavalry move was a mistake..." great looking table though!

    1. Oh, my aching sides. In this case, I actually misinterpreted my own rules, which may be Nature's way of telling me to take up building cathedrals from matchsticks instead. This is such an intriguing fight that I am keen to run further repeats - you up for it?

    2. Well of course, if you think you're hard enough?

    3. Listen - I may have difficulty remembering my bus pass, but I'm one of the hardest guys I know.

  9. An excellent looking game Tony and most entertaining rapportage, as usual.
    Sorry to read of you illness and I trust that you are back in pleine forme now?
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you James - you are very kind. It is really not the done thing to mention one's illnesses, even light-heartedly, but on this occasion I used it as an EXCUSE to explain why it took me 2 weeks to write up a game, which otherwise might be evidence of Falling Standards, and you know how much I hate that.

      I am much repaired, thank you, though for a while I thought the Nuisance Flu was a return of the Dreaded Covid. Recovering self-confidence is as important as anything else, so I'm still taking things a bit slowly. Hope you are in good form yourself.

    2. Good to hear. Slowly and very much surely, I trust?!
      Grand here thanks. Over early summer I was doing a little prep. and painting but mainly mucking about with other things during 'hobby time' (esp. army lists for future historic re-fights of Napoleonic battles and to ascertain what figures I still 'need' for my megalomania). This weekend I went into my shed to 'engage' with figures for the first time in around three weeks or so and finally took some time to look at blogs. Who knows, I may even have something worth posting in a bit...
      All the very best to you, James
