Saturday, 8 October 2022

Another New Gizmo - a Light-Box

 Something else to fiddle with. I seem to have had a sudden burst of energy this last week or two, and have ordered up a couple of things that I have been dithering about for a while. Yesterday I took delivery of a photographer's light-box, which is all new to me. I've been turning out poor photos of my soldiers for years now, and constantly saying how I'm going to buy (or make) a light-box. My entry into the twilight world of gloss varnish for my WSS figures has made photography even more tricky.

Anyway, I bought one. I bought a 16inch cube Neewer, and it arrived courtesy of Amazon's own delivery van. All good, apart from the fact that the driver leaned the box against my front door, which had just been painted, but there is another coat to go on, so it will be OK. You'd have thought that the groundsheet and the paint tins would have been a clue, but not so. Never mind.

If you have used one of these things (and a lot of people use them regularly, without making all the fuss I am) then you will be underwhelmed by my new venture!

The box folds flat for storage and transport, and it erects like some insane play-tent. If you are a Velcro freak you would love this. I got everything working, and now will have to read up a bit about how best to use it, but I'm happy with the apparent possibilities. That's another excuse crossed off the list; if my photos are still rubbish then it's down to me now.

I couldn't close without some evidence, could I? Here are some photos. I should have tried something shiny as well, but I'll work up to that.

I thought the 12inch one might be a bit cramped, so I got the 16inch; it has a ring of little LEDs in the top, and I set it up with a background sheet, and with the diffuser fitted. The light is controlled by a dimmer box

Here's a plastic kit building - the diffused lighting does away with the slightly soapy appearance you normally get with matt plastics
Naturally, I have to add some soldiers - 1/70eme - very smart
And, since I am an idiot, I tried switching the flash on as well, to see what happens - just makes the colours a bit paler, and adds some shadows. Still, it had to be done, I suppose

I believe a serious photographer would fall about laughing at my efforts, but I found it easy to use, if a bit fiddly to set up. I'll find out a bit more about how to make best use of it. If I find myself tempted to buy a better camera, I'll say so here, so you can shout at me and tell me not to be so daft.


  1. I use a similar looking contraption although with a different branding. Great addition to the long list of Wargaming paraphernalia.

    1. Great scope for getting distracted from doing more "useful" stuff, but it looks quite promising. Must find out some good techniques for setting up posed shots [hex free]

  2. Must admit I've always considered getting a light box. I suspect one would improve the quality of my own photos by quite a bit!

    1. I'm really feeling my way here. I was a bit guilty about buying an imported item made in China, but I think it probably isn't capable of spying on anything strategic, and on the economic front Ms Truss has probably sold the Chinese some Yorkshire Blend tea, so it all balances up in the free market. You can't beat a good old free market. Ask the nurses.

  3. Seems like a useful bit of kit - I just use an angle poise lamp and my own photo box which consists of base, back and two sides cobbled together with stiff card, to which I add a backdrop of scenery courtesy of Google Earth!

    1. Your box sounds fine - very like the one I was thinking of building myself, if I hadn't been too lazy! The anglepoise is a great friend to mankind. The chief single advantage that my new machine has is that the array of LEDs and the diffuser are a lot better for objects which are shiny, which -as you know - is a big issue here these days.

  4. I nice looking light box Tony…
    I find mine very useful.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Aly - to be completely honest, it has been the quality of your photos, especially with shiny toys, that encouraged me to invest!
