Thursday 17 March 2022

WSS: More French Infantry

 Been busy last couple of weeks - keeping my head down to avoid seeing the news. Five new battalions ready for duty. I'm pleased with them. As ever, figures are mostly Les Higgins (small) 20mm from long ago - flags are by David at the excellent Not By Appointment blog, laser-printed to scale by Malcolm at Lothian Printers.

At the front are two battalions of Régiment de Poitou (thank you very much, Lee), in the 2nd row are two battalions of Régiment du Dauphin, and at the rear the single battalion of Régiment de Saintonge.


  1. Your French are coming along brilliantly, Tony!

    1. Hi Jon - yes - good progress recently. I'm a bit concerned because this morning I heard on the radio about "Goblin Mode", which is what people here are said to have slumped into during lockdown, and I fear they may have been talking about me, so today I have tidied my hobby room and am planning to go out for a decent walk. It could all end in tears, of course...

  2. Wonderful figures beautifully painted.


    1. Thank you Willz - this army is coming along far better than I expected. Just shows what can be achieved when I hide away from the Real World and neglect my family and friends!

  3. The Fab Five! You’re cooking on gas.

    1. Thank you sir - just to be on the safe side, I Googled Fab Five, in case the import is weightier than I imagine. I got as far as the Texas Cheerleader Scandal before I realised this was a bad idea.

      I feel that my specialty may be washing dishes rather than cooking, but I appreciate the sentiment.

  4. It’s nice to see the French hordes massing Tony…

    Lovely looking toys…

    All the best. Aly

  5. I went on holiday for a week to avoid the news....your solution is far more productive and almost certainly less costly! Very nice Les Higgins figures once again.

    1. Was the news any better when you got back?

      Interesting to put a price on the figures - they have been with me for a while, and some of them may have been three shillings and ninepence a pack. If you have the figures and the paint already, I guess the only additional cost is the opportunity cost of the useful stuff you could have done with the same time, but if they are going to blow me up then I'll suspend judgement on that one.

      Where's that unit of dragoons I was going to prep...?

  6. That's quite an impressive sight seeing five battalions together like that Tony. Glad 'my' two were fit for parade following the affair of the dodgy varnish, your description of the tricornes looking like little Cappuccino's was somewhat disturbing! Real World news is rubbish but this week my mood was lifted when a local Reggae DJ, well known in Kent and SE London loaded his van with donations and drove down to the border crossing point between Poland and Ukraine. His FB live feed was both moving and uplifting as he handed out sweets to the children. Humanity at it's best there, food, hot and cold drinks, shelter, kids stuff, love, everything they require being handed out free, smiles and tears, amazing. He's back now but reloading and setting off again Sunday with plans to actually cross the border if he's able. Wonderful.

    1. Your boys are definitely the showpiece of the little parade! Very odd issue with the varnish, but just a question of the odd brush-tickle here and there. This must be the ultimate fate of blokes like me who have spent their lives staring at tiny soldiers. My dad will be nodding, sagely, somewhere!

      Great story of the DJ - the efforts of a single person are bound to be limited, gven the size of the problem, but the contribution to world synergy is out of all proportion - God bless him and those like him.

      Thanks again Lee - I've emailed you, btw!

    2. Just glad you managed to sort them out Tony and was good to have a proper chat with you :)

  7. Another five battalions... and so the megalomania starts... ;o)

    1. I guess so. This was all drawn up as a plan a year or so ago, so the theoretical megalomania has been in place for a while. The point at which it becomes actual megalomania is an interesting consideration!

  8. Looking great, both figures and flags! Laser printing does make the flags pop, I think; with inkjet printing the results too often look rather fuzzy, I'm afraid.



    1. Thanks David - my procedures for attaching flags are getting more confident, so it's all shaping up nicely.

  9. Oh - and I absolutely agree about keeping one's head down and avoiding the all too grim news...



  10. Lovely stuff. How big is the French horde now?

    1. The numbers of units to date (Phase One target in brackets) are:

      Cavalry 2(8), Dragoons 0(2), Infantry 10(14), Field Arillery 4(4) - no staff yet, and the siege hardware and engineers are aimed at Phase Two!

  11. Hi Tony,

    I like them, great paintjob!

  12. You have been making excellent, steady progress with your Spanish Succession forces Tony. These look beaut.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James - next up is more cavalry! A big slice of escapism in this period of activity, but it gives me something harmless and enjoyable to think about.

      [Not sure the boys back in Louis XIV's day would regard the wars as harmless, but painting the little beggars is cheap and satisfying!]

  13. Very handsome troops, and I do love the elegant simplicity of (most)French flags from this time!

    1. Thank you Peter - I like the flags too - even the plain white Colonel's flags (thinks: how did they surrender?)
