Sunday, 13 February 2022

Hooptedoodle #422 - Vernon-Smith Readies the Gunboat

 As part of my new, more relaxed approach to observing world news, I have stopped hanging onto every latest theory from someone-or-other's political Cub Reporter. I've seen it all before. On occasions I may be slightly afraid, but in general I am going to calm right down in the anger department. There are some things about the current state of our (my) nation which are so preposterously stupid that I can only assume that they cannot last very long. I'll settle for that. I didn't vote for any of these bastards, so I am only circumstantially interested in their self-promotion adventures.

One thing which did chime a faint chord was Mr Johnson's recent visit to Poland, to give assurance that Britain would be right behind them if they were on the receiving end of any aggression. Apart from those Poles who might ask, "Who?", I am confident that they will take a great deal of comfort from this, especially those of them who have a good feel for history.

Not Churchill

Not Churchill either

Naturally, as a mere provincial, I do not expect to understand such things, but I am gradually joining the citizens' army of people who suspect that Mr J's fondness for casting himself in the role of Winston Churchill may be more than a little wide of the truth. There are other, more apt possibilities. No matter. In any case, this fades into the shadows compared with the recent idea of Ms Truss going away to give the Russians a piece of her mind over the Ukrainian Question.

Also in the interests of keeping down the blood pressure and the adrenalin levels, I am making an effort to cut down on the coffee - this one crazy trick is the one that Big Pharma don't want you to know about...


  1. The phrase "Banana Republic" comes to mind when thinking of politics at the present .

    1. Not at all inappropriate, though if we grew bananas we might actually be able to sell them to someone.

    2. That’s the term I would use. The scary thing is the next stage is a military coup to “end corruption”.

  2. And in the papers the other day a government source sneered at Macrons recent attempted diplomacy - complaining there was a hint of Munich and appeasement in the air. Err pardon me Tory press but wasn’t it the British via Mr Chamberlain who sold out the Czech’s at Munich. The assertion would be laughed at and considered a government own goal if we didn’t a) have a largely unquestioning and complicit press and b) a largely unquestioning and ignorant population. I despair. The wife and I are seriously considering a return to France if we can afford it. I’m not sure how much more of this shit show I can put up with.

    Oh bugger, now look what you’ve done. You’ve given me a platform for a rant!

    I should probably get one of your mugs and cut down on my “news” consumption.

    1. Laughter is the only medicine, dear boy. Here's the excellent Michael Lambert, explaining how Levelling Up is going to work (thanks to Lee for the pointer)

      Side-splitting stuff.

    2. I recently re-watched the Thames TV "World at War" series from the 1970s (yet again), and there is a moment when Lord Boothby states quite clearly that, after promising Poland support in 1939, Britain and France never lifted a finger. We could certainly manage to do that again, I would think, if we are looking for noble precedents.

  3. I try not to watch the news anymore. When I see our pm, (I don'twant to type the orge's name) or hear about more of his let's say unusual practices, the air turns blue, I get told off by the Mrs and won't to smash the telly up! A bit ott you might say, but I just cant help it.

    1. Get one of these small mugs, Ray - it's a big help. Or maybe a big bottle?

    2. I've ordered 2 mugs, just incase....

  4. Where to start? I ought naught. My BP is already high.

    While the US government has been frequently warning over the last two months that invasion is imminent (invasion within days or hours!), this time, we are assured we will get citizens out before the country’s collapse. Oh, a ‘minor incursion’ might be overlooked, though…

    The situation seems as much a latter day Cuban Missile Crisis as it is a Munich Agreement.

    1. Hi Jon - I really hope and trust that Putin is not daft enough to actually invade Ukraine - I think the military exercises are muscle rippling. I'm not in any way trying to diminish the seriousness of the situation; primarily my post was about the fatuousness of Boris once again going on a trip, independently of NATO or anyone sensible, to draw attention away from the mess his government is in here. The Poles might have told him to go home and get his act straight, and try to recruit some grown-ups for his foreign ministry. The Chamberlain echo for me is simply the empty promise of support for Poland. If the UK takes sanctions against Russia or Russian business, the house prices in London will come tumbling, and our energy costs will get even more ridiculous.

  5. Tony, be careful of your blood pressure. It'll be 2025 before you can get an NHS appointment to sort it out.

    1. Good point. A neighbour of mine is currently getting quotes for a much-delayed operation in Poland (as it happens) and in Turkey, so he may have some new difficulties in the political situation.

    2. If he gets the operation done in Poland, let's hope Boris isn't standing behind them.

  6. I try not to get worked up, bad for the BP, never mind the coffee. I just despair that people still consider the disingenuous oaf to be the best thing since sliced bread. As to what is taking place in Europe, I really don’t think any of the major European powers have the stomach or the ability to fight a conventional war which only leaves surrender or nukes! And I don’t think they would consider the latter so I really see the parallel to Munich ( which is a pretty good film)
    As to the Coffee and BP I have cut back and reduced my caffeine intake by around 75%! I now have three coffee times during the day where I sit and enjoy the drink and read a book for a while!

    1. Hi Graham - that sounds sensible. Just a minute, though - you've cut coffee intake by 75% and now only have 3 cups a day. This means you were previously having 12 cups a day? Wired, man.

      I have always been very partial to coffee, but recently cut down a lot (because it hurts my guts these days), and feel better for it. Sadly, red wine is off the menu as well, for the same reason. Black tea and oatcakes. What a riot.

  7. He really is quite unbelievable isnt he? Not sure if you have comae across these clips from Youtube and they may not be your type of thing anyway, but they certainly made (and make) me laugh
    and also

    1. These are very funny - have you seen this? {Invective Alert]

  8. That’s an excellent mug Tony…
    It’s about as much coffee as I can take without my stomach doing somersaults…

    As to Fat Boris I shall quote my friends response to me asking if a mutual acquaintance could be trusted…

    “Aly old chap… If his lips are moving… He is lying”

    All the best. Aly

    1. My Preston grannie (always a font of wisdom) used to say (of such people), "I trust him about as far as i could throw him", which in moments of venom might shift to "...smell him". Earthy people from Preston. My grannie could have eaten Boris for breakfast - he wouldn't know what had hit him.

  9. I must take great exception to the main thrust of the argument here.

    I'm sorry, but it's simply impossible to agree with the fact that reducing coffee intake, is in any way beneficial.

    Big pharma be damned ...I...c....c...can h...handle it

    1. I am confident that I speak for the great majority of this Great Nation of ours when I tell you that I believe you are completely mistaken, and I cannot begin to understand why you would think such a thing. It seems to me that your view is the essence of what has gone wrong with our Empire. In fact, my mates and I will meet you outside in the car park.

      How I miss the days when a good debate always ended with a booze up, and a morning in court for stealing a policeman's hat.
