Friday 10 December 2021

WSS: A British General

 Today I received a parcel of soldiers, splendidly painted by Aly Morrison, which is a most welcome contribution.

There is a battalion of French infantry - these chaps are now drying on their new bases, and some nice laser-printed flags should arrive early next week, so I hope to show them off then.

Aly also painted up a classy little British senior officer for me. I'm very pleased with him - a real character. The rider is an Irregular casting, and I think the horse is a sample which Old John kindly sent me - can't remember the maker. Anyway, they've come up lovely, as my Grannie would have said. I'll get him into a little group stand.

Thanks again, Aly.


  1. Replies
    1. I was thinking of making him Marlborough, but the shabraque is maybe too outrageous. Still, maybe the Corporal was a raver on the battlefield?

  2. A great looking figure, love the tiger skin saddlecloth.

    1. Good, isn't it? The animal rights people will be furious, but it was a long time ago.

  3. You can't fault Irregular for Characters. He's got all the insouciance a WSS general needs.

    1. Irregular provide me with some very useful figures in what is very clearly an unusual size. I must admit that sometimes I am a bit pessimistic about the bare castings, but invariably they paint up better than I expect - I guess I'm a slow learner.

  4. He’s done a lovely job of that horse. Top stuff.

    1. A classy horse - I suspect it is originally intended for some wild man in the 30YW, but it's been in my spares box for a while, and I'm delighted that it is now gainfully employed!

  5. That horse is a magnificent casting - does anyone out there know the maker?

    1. I did have a note of what it was, but can't find it. [Maybe Old John can help us here.]

  6. horse is from a set of Polish cavalry for 30YW, bought a pile in Germany many years back, maker is "Morion Miniatures", hope that helps
    cheers Old John

    1. Ah - there we go - thanks very much John. Morion - I remember the name now.

      Hope things good with you, John. I'm nervous that Villa (with new ex LFC manager) are maybe going to give my boys a rough time this afternoon...!

  7. too right Villa will give your lads a hard time!!!!

  8. What a magnificent figure Tony, the horse is particularly striking, my compliments to Aly on the painting. So the guy with the port barrel disguised as a drum will accompany him? They would make a fine pair.

    1. Hi Lee - I'm very pleased with him. I'm trying to dream up some little command diorama group which avoids placing an example of my painting side-by-side with Aly's!

  9. That's toy-soldiery of the very highest order, that is. He's magnificent!

  10. He was a real joy to paint…
    I thought he he had more of a John Churchill meets Alexander the Great vibe…

    All the best. Aly

    1. An object demonstration that there are also concepts such as humour and affection in this age-old industry of trying to get the paint to go on in the right places, which is painting-as-I-know-it. Thanks again Aly - he's a breath of fresh air!

  11. Replies
    1. He's very shiny, and he's going to end up on a plain painted base with no flock in sight. Toy soldiers, man - a joy forever!

  12. A beautiful looking figure. Very well done Aly. It looks as though it is made from porcelain!

    1. Funny you should mention that - I've seen porcelain figurines of Marlborough which look just like this - must be the deep gloss varnish!

  13. Replies
    1. A bit outrageous for my Old School chaps, you might think. You don't think Aly is a bad influence?

    2. Not at all. Be lead completely 'astray'!!
