Thursday 11 November 2021

WSS: British Artillery Finished

 These chaps had been hanging around unpainted for a while, but my British Artillery is now complete (for Phase One, that is). I always find artillery slow and fiddly to paint up - lots of odd pieces of equipment and inconvenient poses - but I took a couple of late sessions over these and here they are. Last night, respecting the lateness of the hour, my painting music was an album of harp concertos performed by Marisa Robles, so I may always associate these fellows with some delicate and tinkly noises - maybe a little incongruous for the Ordnance Men? Suitable Artillery Music suggestions welcome...

The figures and the guns are by Irregular. I find their 20mm products useful, since they are about the only Marlburian range which will mix at all well with my Les Higgins armies, they provide a useful touch of variety, and often they are the only source of certain things. From a compatibility point of view, I wish their horses were just a little bigger, but a number of their horses will soon come into their own for mounting my French dragoons - at last the differential horse sizes will come in useful!

My new gunners are appropriately bright, shiny and toy-like - such are the rules for this project! I have to say that sometimes the Irregular chaps look a bit sketchy at the outset, but they invariably paint up well. Very useful, anyway. I can also use Lancer's artillery pieces and carts, which are very nice, but definitely not their 20mm figures.

Still on the bottle-tops are Webb's Regt of Foot, a refurb batch - they should be ready Saturday or Sunday; no particular hurry, I tell myself. Getting there. By Jove - getting there.


  1. I like the style Tony. Always has me whistling Oe’er the Hills or Lillibulero. And trying to justify to myself why another tricorn-era collection is necessary.

    1. A tricky one. In my case, my start-up was being offered an existing collection for sale. I had always fancied a tricorn period, but I already played ECW and Napoleonic games, so the WSS was just about a comfortable fit between these two - no pikes, yet very simple troops types and manoeuvres.

  2. They look really lovely- shiny suits them. Suitable artillery music - Rage Against The Machine, “Know your enemy”. Having refined tastes you’ll hate it so don’t go there.

    1. Shiny, man. Being an unimaginative cove, I checked out the official march of the Royal Artillery, for clues. There doesn't seem to be a clear view on this - quick march appears to be "British Grenadiers", which is shared with all sorts of other regiments - still looking at this. There is also "The Voice of the Guns", of course, but this is Kenneth Alford (aka Fred Ricketts) and dates from 1917.

  3. Very nice indeed - the 1812 overture has some nods to the Queen of Battle although you would have to ignore the Marseillaise throughout!

    1. Yes, the Marseillaise might be a problem!

  4. Nice figures , some Irregular ranges are better than others .

    1. Irregular's 20mm scale is a bit smaller than most, but not far off Les Higgins 1/76.

  5. Well, these are just lovely, Tony. The shiny style looks great on them. Both out of period, But I agree with the 1812 overture and perhaps "Wellington's Victory" as well.

    1. Thanks Peter - I'm enjoying the preparation for my WSS adventures very much. Just have to make sure the games work OK too! You can see that all Brits will have to be at least +1 with nice red coats like this!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray - shiny red troops almost look festive!

  7. They look great - Irregular Miniatures are a mixed bunch but some are very nice sculpts. Not being a WSS-man, when did the British artillery switch from red to blue uniforms?

    1. Hi Rob - thanks - yes, thee fellows turned out nicely. I believe the blue uniforms came in when the Regiment of Artillery was founded in 1716 - don't know a lot about this!

  8. They have certainly scrubbed up well…
    Is that your preferred choice of gloss varnish in the background?

    All the best. Aly

    1. Hi Aly - yes - I use the W&N Galeria for both gloss and matt. Originally this was because I could buy it from a local art shop (which was very handy, but probably very expensive), and I stuck with it because it has never given me problems with lifting metallics etc (oh no - now I've mentioned it, the curse will manifest itself...). The Gloss is also good at losing any bubbles as it dries.
