Thursday 29 April 2021

Hooptedoodle #395 - Just the Thing for the Grand Duke's Study

 My wife has been clearing her late mother's house recently, preparing to sell the place. This has not been especially easy in a time of lockdown, and the closure of the charity shops has been a major problem in the disposal of household trivia. Some of the larger and more valuable items have been sold through local social media pages, and a lot has been given away. One item I was interested in for myself was a wall clock.

I've always had a thing about clocks - I associate chiming clocks with sunlit afternoons at my Posh Auntie May's house in West Kirby when I was a kid. There is something soothing about them. They go with the smells of furniture polish and coffee. The clock in question is built in a traditional style, but it is probably only about 45 years old. For a featured clock in a hallway or similar I think I'd prefer something genuinely old - with ghosts and all that. Still, this is a proper, wind-up clock with a pendulum. Not a battery in sight. It keeps good time, and really is perfect for the Grand Duke's study.

I paid the advertised price and hung it on the wall.

Very good thus far. The tick is pleasing, and is actually no louder than the noise the battery clock which preceded it made.

And, of course, it chimes - how long that stays switched on is a matter of wait and see, but at the moment I'm enjoying it.


  1. A suitably grand timepiece, think of the fun you could have asking a millennial to put some new batteries in it!

    1. Yes, that is funny. This may get less humorous as I come to terms with having to wind the thing regularly - I'll have to put reminders in my Google Calendar, which gives a nice digital credibility to the whole thing.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ray - your approval is appreciated!

  3. Would look well with your snooker scoreboard.

    1. Yes, indeed so. They are in different rooms, but if you stand in the doorway of the office/study/den you can just manage to see both items at the same time. It helps if you have a squint.

  4. Since I was asked, I should explain that the coughing and wheezing noise in the background is not me - that is the running of the chime mechanism. Now that's a proper clock noise - I hope they include that in the digital sample on the modern ones!
