Wednesday 14 April 2021

Hooptedoodle #393 - Music - Instant Time Travel

 Righto - lovely morning here, so I was browsing through the CD racks, looking for something suitable, to keep me in a mellow mood while I try to sort out my mother's tax return. I came up with this, and it stopped me dead...

 I remember exactly when and where I bought this album, and I can see it like a photograph. My first wife and I went on holiday to California in about 1990 - we flew to San Francisco, rented a car (a Chevrolet Monte Carlo, which had sort of sporty, "coupé" pretensions, but drove like a small lorry), then we had 2 nights in San Francisco, drove up through Sacramento and Auburn (which places I knew a little) and then stayed at Nevada City, up in the old goldfields, for a couple of days, then through the forests to Mendocino. A few days there (we stayed at the MacCallum House, which I think is still there - great food) and then we drove down the Pacific Highway, stayed at Carmel for a few nights, and then on to LA to fly home. About 12 days total, I think - I have a slightly blurred recollection of most of it, but I remember we had a good time.

One thing I remember very clearly. Last morning in Mendocino, early, after I'd packed our lorry ready for the run south, I was taking a walk down by the sea, to bid the place farewell - it was very misty, and at one point I was walking across some sort of "village green" area, thinking about coffee, when I heard music. Unmistakeable - Jim Hall on guitar, floating over the gardens. I found the source of the music, a bookshop, opening onto the green, exchanged greetings with the owner, and bought coffee and a pastry from him. I asked was the CD for sale, and he said yes, it was, so I bought it and took it away with me, which didn't please him a lot, because he was listening to it. Such is commerce, I guess.

This is the first track from the album - the tune that was playing through the mist in Mendocino - 30 years ago. This is Paul Desmond, on alto sax, with Jim Hall on guitar, playing When Joanna Loved Me.

Perfect. I shut my eyes and it's a misty morning in California, in another century.

I'd like to revisit Mendocino again sometime, but it's on a long list, and I realise I probably never will.


  1. Wow that is soooooooo mellow. Smooth daddyo.

    But seriously it’s amazing how a tune can anchor you in a time and place. I have a dodgy and obviously deteriorating memory, but music can evoke things, feelings and places like nothing else for me. The only people I have ever been envious of are musicians for as much as I love music I don’t have a musical bone in my body.

    I wouldnt count myself as a jazz fan particularly...but clearly I’ve been listening to the wrong stuff. That was really nice, cheers for sharing.

  2. Wow, great piece of music. My musical tastes are wide and varied and like JBM said nothing nails a memory, a place or even a person like a piece of music.
    Think it may be time I had a browse through my cd collection and go on a journey 😁

  3. Mel-low. I can see how it might put you in mind of a Californian coastal town. But I can’t imagine doing tax returns to it, even simple ones.

  4. Lovely music Tony...

    I certainly couldn’t do any work while listening to that...

    All the best. Aly

  5. Feeling way to mellow to type anything...............
