Friday, 26 February 2021

Hooptedoodle #387 - Ads for Morons, Created by Morons

 Wow - I was on the CNN site this evening, trying to get the latest on the gold statue of Trump that some bottom-hole has put on display in Orlando, and some fiendish cookie or other got busy and - hey! - I got a personalised ad, just for me. That's quite something - I mean I'm not even very famous (though my reading about Trump might have been a clue), but I'm pleased that they realised I would be interested in this sort of thing.

North Berwick

To put this into perspective, here is a photo of my home village. I am fascinated by this potential jet service - how impressed would my friends be, for goodness sake? I am wondering whether the jets land and take off in the fishing harbour, or they use that big field behind the telephone exchange - of course, they'd have to shift the horses, but it's marvellous, isn't it?

Amazing what they can do nowadays, as I always say. There - I just said it again...


  1. I cannot believe that you have lived there so long and not seen the corporate jet.
    I too was looking at some less-than rigorous site (from a search to do with the Battle of Verdun, if I recall) and the 'personalised' ads told me all about some great services in Wundowie (a tiny town near us that the server had decided was my location), similarly offered by some 'pretty young thing'. I did not get offered a Learjet though. I feel miffed!
    Regards, James

    1. I understand about clickbait and all that, but most of the time I can't believe there are people dumb enough to click on them. You'll gasp when you see Rita Hayworth nowadays. I certainly will.

  2. Funny! I keep getting targeted ads for womens exotic underwear from a certain company and I swear I have never clicked on any sort of related link, unless of course it was by accident once!

    1. I believe you without hesitation, I have never checked out on meeting young women from Russia, either, but it does give a bad impression. Unfortunate.

  3. It’s a joke isn’t it. Don’t the fools know you can’t go anywhere until lockdown has finished.

    1. I know, I know.

  4. Lol....yes I get those sort of ads all the time too!

    1. What scares me a little is you find them at the bottom of website pages from otherwise reputable online newspapers. This is not to reflect any sort of prejudice on my part - I really do not care who is targeting me with crap! - but a few years ago I discussed with a friend of mine (who at the time worked for the Independent) why so many of these ads were badly worded, or contained grammatical howlers, and he said the biggest agencies his paper dealt with were based in India, Israel and Nigeria - they were really good at it, apparently. So this stuff we get may be more exotic and more international then we realise! There you go - you're even more famous than you knew.

  5. This is great news Tony - as soon as the borders open up you should be able to zoom over the Forth here for a game in no time at all!

    1. It is excellent news. The possibility of a North Berwick airport has rather opened my eyes, but I checked where I would land at your end. I think it's a toss-up between Dundee or Edinburgh, both of which are about as far from your place as my starting point. Unless you can meet me with the helicopter, I'm struggling a bit here. I'm still thinking about it, though - it is a good idea, on the face of it.

  6. That's impressive, isn't it? There are some very clever sales people out there. It may be to do with the sort of searches I do for work, but evidently it is possible to buy Biodiversity on Ebay. Amazon, I understand, also have a stock of harmful invasive plant species.

    1. That's right - "all your biodiversity needs". North Berwick is more interesting than I realised, apparently on one link I can read all about the top lawyers in NB, who, according to the ad, are young blonde females who drive big American automobiles. Another tells me that everyone in NB is snapping up these latest hearing aids for only $15US - I hadn't heard about this, which probably proves something or other. It depresses me that there are a lot of people with valuable skills who are unable to earn a crust at present, and yet these shit merchants are making a fortune by telling lies and misleading people. I have even received ads sponsored by the Republican party, for reasons which escape me. If I watch a news video on CNN on my computer, for example, there is an appreciable delay at the start while the algorithm locates a suitable ad trailer for a hermit in the Scottish Lowlands who collects toy soldiers. It is wonderful, though.

  7. I thought they just hovered or did vtol these days. Are you going for the invisiblity shield? If you do, make sure you have a spare remote.

    1. Hey Ross - you're well ahead of me in this stuff. I think you may be pulling my leg about the invisibility shield, but it would be cool if they had one. That way, no-one would know who it was that was dumb enough to visit them by private jet. That works for me - I need to know more.

  8. It’s nice to know that you have finally been recognised as one of North Berwick’s high flying elite.
    If everyone in the area makes use of this excellent offer it is going to make for some unusual ‘traffic’ jams on the morning commute to Edinburgh...

    All the best. Aly

    1. It is about time though, eh? The traffic jams would be interesting - I hadn't considered there might be a number of these jets available locally. That kind of reduces the thing to mainstream, somehow. I may not go for it after all. Perhaps they could give me a flight bag I could carry on the bus?

  9. I once flew to the Isle of Barra, where the airport is actually the beach - but that was in a DHC-7 Twin Otter. I think it would be more tricky for a Learjet. ( Twin Otter seats just 16, I was close enough to see that the pilot was furnished with a clip on the control column, presumably to hold a map. He had thoughtfully used it for storing a Digestive biscuit. )

    1. Funny you should mention this...

      A work colleague of mine, years ago, was an amateur flyer - he used to take small groups of chums out to Barra during the summer, for a day out. I chickened out (naturally), not least because my pilot friend warned me that landing required one pass over the landing area before touching down, to scare away any stray sheep or ponies. The story is probably apocryphal - it was probably me that he wished to scare away. Anyway - I came close to flying to Barra one Summer afternoon in the 1980s sometime - but I was much safer at work in Edinburgh.

      Digestive biscuits are underrated as navigation aids.

    2. Oops make that DHC 6, details are crucial..

    3. Agree completely. Was it a McVitie's digestive? They were standard issue on Loganair back in the day - the senior pilots used to get chocolate ones.
