Monday, 30 November 2020

Creeping Elegance: Everyone Switch Units (Musical Sabots)

Creeping Elegance is a general classification here - any odd sorting-out or reorganising jobs which are not obviously a high priority, but which still irritate me when they don't get done.

It's easier to get on with it when there are several reasons all pushing in the same direction - i.e. the planets align (which doesn't happen very often).

For a while I've had the following in mind:

(A) There are a few units in my French army which acquired a 3rd battalion at some point. My improvised house standard for these French 3rd battalions seems to have stipulated that they have no mounted officer and no eagle - I can't remember why, maybe I was short of command figures at the time. Yes, quite. Subsequently I changed my mind - I decided I already had a real, serious house standard, which is that the infantry of my French army in the Peninsula will consist of divisions, each of which has 2 brigades and a battery; each of these brigades will comprise 2 regiments, plus a converged mini-battalion of voltigeurs from these regiments; each of the regiments will have 2 battalions. Not 3, 2. 

(B) Some of my battalions do not please me, because their appearance does not match up to the rest of the army. A case in point is provided by 2 battalions of old 20mm Garrison fellows, some of them recasts, which I've had since 1971 or so and which I've always thought I should upgrade sometime.

(C) Fairly new idea - I need to raise some more little 12-man battalions for my developing siege games.

So I've decided that I can rationalise much of this in one go - thus:

(i) The 1/50e Ligne (apart from their command figures) are of these old Garrisons - if I combine the Les Higgins rank and file from the unwanted 3/50e with the command from the 1/50e then they can become a new, rather smarter 1/50e, and the Garrison troops thus released can be reallocated (very appropriately, in fact) to siege duties. Good. They'll be happy there. The idea of making the 3rd battalion into the new 1st battalion works for me, but I suspect that the 2nd battalion will be furious when they find out.

(ii) Similarly for the 59e Ligne, except that they previously did not have a 3rd battalion, so the replacement Higgins troops for the 1/59e will come from the (unwanted) 3e/15e. The Garrison boys will go for siege basing, as for the 50e.

(iii) The 3rd battalions of the 6e and 25e Léger can also be released, to be allocated to forthcoming Divisions which are in the Refurb Queue.

This is the revamped 1st battalion for the 59e Ligne - the command figures were previously surrounded by Garrison men for many years, and the replacement Higgins rank and file have arrived from the (now defunct) 3/15e.

Here are the troops released to be rebased for siege games - mostly Garrisons - some old friends here!

So I've done the necessary basing adjustments and unit labelling, I've taken new photos for the Napoleonic Catalogue, and I've adjusted the sabot numbering slightly so that the battalions may still be placed consecutively in The Cupboard. So far, I seem to have done everything correctly, though I am half expecting to find two units with the same catalogue number in The Cupboard.

Time to have a cup of tea and read for a while. Nice sunny day here - freezing cold, mind you. 

***** Late Edit *****

Pensioners: some grenadiers from the old Garrison battalions, now re-based and ready for siege duties.



  1. Where would an army be without reorganisations? Mind you, please don't be tempted to disband the 15th Chasseurs!

    1. The Chasseurs are safe - Garrison cavalry are OK with me!

  2. I'm really impressed by your meticulous organisation. My old 25mm French Napoleonic infantry have seen a lot of service but they are a mess - just an ad-hoc collection of battalions of various makes thrown together and not a colour to be seen. Even their own cavalry, which hasn't suffered the same historic neglect, is ashamed of them. I might have to set out and organise them properly - one day.

    1. It's really just me facing up to my own lack of character - if I don't keep them organised, they will just get out of control, not to say lost and broken. It's a constant struggle between man and entropy. Nature hates mankind because he introduced filing systems - that's why our roof timbers rot and pianos fall on us when we walk down the street.

  3. Be careful you don’t upset their fighting abilities, you know reorganisation can have a detrimental effect on their morale

    1. I'm writing a speech to get them fired up. I think it may be the one that goes:

      "The day was hard, but I saw my 59eme standing firm, and I was calm..."

  4. Aright clever reorganization there... if one ignores the rumbling from the ranks, that is! :-)

  5. Reorganisation... hmmm!
    I’ve tried that... two years or so ago I started reorganising my Crimean War collection... it’s currently in a state of not done... yet.

    Looking good Tony...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly - having problems settling to do any proper painting at present, so swapping the soldiers around and standing them in straight lines is a soft option!

  6. I love a good reorganisation Tony. Seriously, getting them out and organised is one of the joys of the hobby for me. Must be that accountant-father rubbing off on me!
    Have you come across 'structured procrastination'? Well worth a read if you have not, I'm sure that you'll enjoy it
    Regards, James

    1. James - good to hear from you - I'll take the book recommendation seriously, I'll probably order it.

      Snag is that planning to read it may be tricky...
