Sunday 26 April 2020

A Touch of Class

One of the things which continues to delight me in the world of wargaming blogs is the kindness people have shown to me over the years. I've been on the receiving end of a number of gifts and favours which have often far surpassed anything I might have expected (or might have deserved).

This last week I received a parcel from one Aly Morrison, gentleman and sculptor/painter extraordinaire. Included in this package was a unit of painted French cuirassiers, as he had promised, in return for something I had sent him - as is often the case, the repayment was out of all scale to my original effort. I'm really very pleased with them, so now I have based them up I thought I would share some pictures.

12eme Cuirassiers
The figures are 1970s PMD (Les Higgins). I am impressed not only by the painting, but by the quality of the conversion work. The Higgins range was a bit eccentric in some ways - there never was a cuirassier officer, but there was a dragoon trumpeter which would work well with the cuirassiers. When Aly first mentioned that he had some figures he would paint up for me, I had a brief wonder about what I would do for command - usually I have used Art Miniaturen figures in recent years.

I underrated the man. Not only did he convert a couple of troopers to provide an officer and a standard bearer (a feat which I have been known to achieve by painting the epaulettes silver, and maybe going for a black sheepskin) - he carved off the carbines and all the support belting and cartridge pouches, he corrected the eagle bearer by removing one of his epaulettes and adding a sword handle to the top of his scabbard, and he removed the officer's portmanteau, recarving the dog-tooth sheepskin edging which is now exposed.

Detail close-up of the carving on the officer conversions
I am, as they used to say, knocked out. My cavalry reserve becomes bigger and better. Let's see Stryker chase this lot the length of the Danube, then.

Thanks, Aly - really pleased with them.


  1. Replies
    1. I shall applaud Aly out of our kitchen window at 8pm - listen out for it.

  2. They look superb - well done that man! I probably won't chase them at all as you must have at least 5 units now?

    1. I fear I shall have to produce my own scenarios to give these chaps a full run out.

  3. Very impressive Cuirassiers!

    1. Hi Dean - thanks very much! Hope you are keeping well.

  4. It was a pleasure Tony...
    That dusky pink looks lovely in the sunlight...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Aly - quick question from Uncle Goya (and me) - you list a lot of useful info about paints on your blog, but as far as I can see you never mention what type of acrylic varnish you use - any chance of a recommendation? The matt finish on the cuirassiers is very attractive. I'm always on the look-out for varnish which looks good, doesn't go septic and doesn't lift metallic paiints!

    2. No worries...
      I use this stuff Pebeo Acrylic Matt an extremely good brush on varnish...

      Although it works really well as it is.... I have recently been adding a couple of drops of this into it (In a mixing dish)
      It’s not necessarily but it makes things even....Matter...

      I hope this is a help...

      All the best. Aly

  5. A very handsome regiment. Of course, now that you have one in pink (rose), you will need another yet one in orange (aurore)...

  6. Beautiful work but then no more than one would expect given the source. Bravo Ali. May they roll as well in battle as they look!

    (Hmm 8 becomes 4 Atlantic....I'll turn the radio down and listen.)

    1. I think I'll run them out in a solo game first, to avoid the traditional Posh New Unit disaster.

      Did you hear the applause OK? - I've got blackbirds shouting their heads off out there, so it wasn't just straightforward.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks WM. A little reflected glory, even if there is no real credit to me - always happy to do a bit of cheeky basking.

  8. That is very kind of Aly.

    You know people think I’m a cheeky basker too. At least I think that’s what they call me.
