Wednesday 4 March 2020

WSS Project - Some Dismounted Dragoons

Today I finished off some dismounted dragoons - the system is to be that my dragoon units will each be of 3 bases of mounted men, with 2 extra bases of dismounted. When the unit is ordered to dismount (which takes a complete turn), two of the mounted bases are replaced by dismounted; the remaining mounted base (which ideally should be the one with the minidice giving current strength!) represents horseholders and all that clobber.

Bavarian Dragoons - this is the Regt Monasterol - the new Irregular chaps at the front are here shown with their mounted Higgins colleagues.
The dismounted castings here are 20mm Irregular Miniatures, which are unusually small 20mm but give a good size match with Les Higgins.

The boys from the Regt Santini are the same, apart from the green facings - their mounted contingent are progressing through the paint queue at this very moment
The history of Les Higgins/PMD is well described elsewhere; the original 20mm Malburian figures are just a tad smaller than their ECW range (though the original "subscription series" Higgins ECW were about the same size as the Malburians), but both ranges use the same horses. The figures are too small to match with much else - Irregular, Lancer Miniatures (which are relatively stout, though their artillery pieces are lovely) and that's about it.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Michal - I like to keep the jobs small!

  2. Very nice Tony...

    The gloss finish works well with the Irregular miniatures .

    All the best. Aly

    1. Something about gloss varnish and bright colours always makes me think of Jelly Beans. Mind you, I like Jelly Beans.

  3. great painting, reminds me to get some of those dismounted chaps, cheers Old John

    ps, small packet posted yesterday to you

  4. Good to see that the fall did not affect you and you are churning 'em out. Jolly fine they are too!

    1. It taught me to be more careful though! Thanks James.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray - I have very little experience of Irregular Miniatures, since their sizes are a bit unusual, but they work well in this context, and they paint up very nicely. They're also quick and helpful people to deal with.
