Friday 14 February 2020

Hooptedoodle #355 - Down in the Darkness

This is the cleverest person in the UK. This may now be official. If there is anything he doesn't know, he will get online and will be an expert later today.

He is, of course, the chief advisor to our Prime Minister, which means, given the disappearance of any viable opposition parties, he effectively runs the country.


(1) Did you vote for him? I know I didn't.

(2) Does he have any real mandate for all this? Is he answerable or accountable for anything? You may know - I don't.

(3) Have you any idea what he's up to, now and/or long-term? I certainly don't.

(4) As I understand it, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer has just resigned, because he felt unable to carry out a directive from the PM to sack all his aides, who apparently had concerns about the policies of the man in the picture at the top. Do you feel a bit scared? I think perhaps I feel a bit scared.

(5) This might be the last post on this blog - it may be shut down in the next day or so.


  1. Hopefully he will be 'hoisted with his own petard' soon . His resemblance to Gollum/Sméagol in the Lord of the Rings is uncanny !

    1. I wonder how well he is accepted by the pearls & twinset brigade at the Party Conference? Interestingly, since he insists on alienating everyone, I can't find a single UK newspaper that approves of him - even the Tory rags that will claim they won the election for Boris seem to regard him as something of football hooligan. Goodness, how shallow people are...

  2. Interesting isn't it that as the architect of a certain campaign with one of its alleged aims to "take back control" of the UK from "unelected bureaucrats" in the EU, the same people have voted in a cabal apparently run unelected "special advisor", a temporary civil servant.
    Sadly events here and in the U.S. have convinced me we are living in an idiocracy......

    1. ...I like that.... idiocracy... a perfect description of government by the unanswerable to, elected by a Love Island/East Enders generation....

    2. We may be OK - I've seen this on Star Trek years ago. There's a robot guard whose job it is to destroy whatever it considers evil. All you have to do is convince it that it is itself evil, and bingo.

      I considered Dom's highpoint to be the occasion when he told an MP that if he wanted to stop the death threats on social media he should change his political views. That was good - obviously a student of Heidrich. He's maybe surpassed that now with his extraordinary PJ Masks performance - see

    3. Elected by the love island generation? Bit harsh. Polling data shows that Tory voters are overwhelmingly 40+ so I don't think we can blame our poor young people on that one!

      Cummings like many of his peers are beyond satire now. The whole lot now resemble 1980s caricatures of stereotype Hoorah Henry's, seedy PR men and tax haven agents all splashing the cash around to whatever data mining company works best.
      All we can do for the best is play with our soldiers quiely and hope that a Giant Fatberg rises from the sewers and consumes all in its path!

      Happy weekend!

  3. Amazing innit? Look like that and have views that the right wing agree with and all is hunky dory. Wear a donkey jacket or have grey hair and a beard, but have left wing views, and you’re a slob.

    I actually think it doesn’t matter how the REAL elite (those who decry the ‘metropolitan liberal elite’) behave any more. There’s barely a ripple with the strange story of the PM being a guest of David Ross in St Vincent despite Mr Ross denied he was the donor. Wonder who?

    Anyway, to change the subject (😉) what happened to that report on Russian interference that got delayed because of the election?

    In the good old days you could rely on Old Etonians to blow their own brains out when caught out. If we’re going to turn the clock back in Britain, let’s at least bring back some of the nobler traditions as well.

    [can quite understand you not publishing this Tony!]

    1. Most golf clubs wouldn't let him in the bar - yet he prowls around parliament - looks like a terrorist.

    2. There's no way I'm not publishing this - if I'm going down, there's a few others going with me.

    3. Thanks for that. I think.

      Yours in solidarity/striped pyjamas.

  4. Over in Canada, we have a face painter.

    Trade ya?

    1. Not sure about this one - there is a widespread movement attempting to retrofit today's standards of political correctness on incidents from long ago. Maybe that's the right thing to do - I wouldn't know. If it is, I'd like to offer a public apology now for the fact that I once broke wind during Mrs Pritchard's class in 1957.

    2. To be fair, we also have our share of moneyed interests pulling the strings from behind the curtain but it is a rather long standing tradition here.

  5. It may look like an idiocracy, but it's definitely a kleptocracy.

    1. Just a minute - DC? - how do I know you're the real DC? Paranoia is not what it used to be.

  6. I'm rather looking forward to the inevitable fallout,at which point Mr Cummings' blog may make for interesting reading... though he may of course be then found lifeless in an alley in darkest SW1- or more prosaically elevated to the peerage on condition of keeping 'schtum' :)

    1. Naturally I wish harm to no-one, so it would be most regrettable if anything happened to him (particularly if it were at all similar to your suggested scenario). If he were to be threatened, however (which would be dreadful, of course) at least he is aware he only has to change his politics.

  7. I for one welcome our new lizard overlord ;-)

    1. You are blessed - if you build it, they will come.

  8. 'Wanker' Cummings as he is known in this household. A year or so ago I actually watched a couple of lectures he gave about how he ran the 'Leave' campaign, quite interesting, but I had no real idea who he was, well we all know him now!

    1. Well at least he gets to do it with someone he loves. There are some people who are too weird to have a future. Can we imagine a 70-year-old DC, elder statesman in the House of Lords or retired, knighted supremo of the Civil Service?

  9. His site is worth a look... understand your enemy and all that...

    1. Hi David - I do visit his website occasionally. I don't regard him as any kind of enemy, really - more a temporary irritant. I'm intrigued that he seems to be trying to recruit a pool of people who think like he does. They'll kill each other.

  10. Weirdos and Misfits Wanted - very useful in wartime
