Sunday 29 September 2019

Fighting with Friends

Yesterday I attended a wargame in the company of Stryker and Goya, at Stryker's house. We played an excellent Napoleonic game based on the Battle of Ligny, using Stryker's Muskets & Marshals rules.

I'll attempt to put together a proper mini-report later in the week, once I've sorted out my photos. By that time, with luck, Stryker himself will have done a blog post, featuring his own (much better) pictures. For the moment, suffice to say that a very good time was had by all, history was not overturned, and Stryker's cleverly-crafted scenario worked really well. Once again, many thanks to our host for his kind hospitality and a sumptuous luncheon - a lot of work, and much appreciated.

Completely separate from the main story, a couple of odd things happened to me yesterday.

Stock photo
(1) On a bright, clear morning, at about 08:30 on my way north, I suddenly drove into a bank of dense fog in the middle of the Queensferry Crossing, the new road bridge over the Firth of Forth. Not a problem, but definitely a strange feeling to suddenly be driving along with nothing visible further away than about 15 feet - the barriers and the bridge superstructure just vanished. Only lasted about 30 seconds, but I'm very glad there was only light traffic. From then on my trip was, as before, clear and sunny.

(2) Rather more spooky. While I was getting ready to go to bed, around midnight, I raised the roller blind on the skylight in the attic bedroom, and was surprised to find that someone had scrawled a cross on the window. It was completely dark outside, but the room light showed up the marking very clearly. It was on the outside, and it looked as though someone had drawn a very rough St George's cross with their finger, right across the window - it seemed to be a light grey colour. At first I thought someone was playing a joke on me - it was a definite cross - but since it was on the outside that's not possible. There's only the roof out there.

The vertical stroke was pretty firm - quite straight, about 1cm wide and bang in the centre, top to bottom. The horizontal was more uneven and wiggled a bit, but it still went right across. I was going to check out what it was, but the weather wasn't great, so opening the skylight was not a good idea. I should have taken a photo, but my camera was still packed away from the Ligny trip, so I decided that I would open up the window in the morning and have a good look.

Came the morning, of course, and it had gone. Not a trace. I had a moment of doubt whether I'd seen it at all, but I am certain that it had been definite enough to give me something of a shock the previous night. I am half crazed, of course, but not normally given to imagining visitations.

So - no photo, no evidence, no clues really. I really wish I'd taken a picture. I can only guess that recent wet weather has resulted in a snail or a slug taking a couple of strolls across our roof window, and last night's rain subsequently washed it away. But it was very clear, and looked almost deliberate.

I'm not going to lose much sleep over this, but the nervously imaginative might react badly to a sign appearing on their window at night. If something grisly happens to me, I promise to let you know. If it's grisly enough, you might read about it elsewhere.


  1. Neat looking table set up. I await a more detailed battle account. As for the markings on the skylight, put on your detective had and get to the bottom of it! A slimy slug seems a good conclusion.

    1. Hi Jon - you will be excited to know that the 1/26eme (the Freitag Battalion) were also in attendance.

      I mentioned to a friend about the mysterious cross and he got a bit serious and said I shouldn't joke about such things. Most worrying aspect of this is that I'm not joking...

    2. Oh - yes - Stryker's account of the game is at

  2. That's very spooky about the fog and the cross, did you run over a black cat on the way home? Looking forward to reading your take on events at Ligny!

    1. It is a bit worrying - I'm trying to play this pretty cool, but it's all a facade.

      I've added another related post this morning, which probably leads me to gather that the threat is more specific, rather than that there is no threat at all.

      If I suddenly disappear, you can have my collection of wooden cubes.

  3. Game looks great. I have to ask if the rules are online :)

    Perhaps you have encountered the dreaded slug of St.George ?

    1. I think you should contact Stryker via his blog (link in previous comment) and ask for a set. After that you should harangue him daily and demand an illustrated scenario booklet, and start an argument about the true merits of the Imperial Guard.

      Slug of St George - another post on the way...

  4. Most mysterious. Given that you presumably have windows all over the house in much more accessible locations, and that you could not be guaranteed to open the roller blind on that skylight window on that particular day, it seems unlikely that any human agent would have chosen that particular method of marking you out for an early death. I think it's when the crosses are on your lawn and on fire that you really have to start getting a little concerned. Your friend is right though, I suppose in these times one is less comfortable about joking about such things.

    1. In fact I do open and shut the blinds in the attic during the Summer and Autumn, since the afternoon sun can make it pretty oppressive up there, so I know for a fact that the entire cross appeared during Saturday. If a mischievous/malicious person has put a sign on my window that would be a bit worrying, but if it were not a person that might be more worrying altogether.

      However, as of this morning we have a further development, so another post will appear shortly.
