Saturday 3 August 2019

French Refurb: Slow but Steady

Another battalion is now finished - bases, sabot, flag, varnish tweaks, labelling. Photos have been taken for The Catalogue and they are into The Cupboard.

I've actually got some metrics for this job - most of the figures come from a collection I bought last year which has the working title of Carlo's Army. There was a blog post of sorts when I painted some of them, in June last year, and since then I've been accumulating figures to fill the gaps. They are finished now - the 2nd battalion of the 47eme Ligne. Figures are mostly vintage Les Higgins, with a mounted Chef de Bataillon and a drummer from Art Miniaturen, and an eagle-bearer from Schilling.

And, as a check, here they are in June 2018. Not exactly lightning-fast progress, but I get there in the end (with help!) and a lot has been going on at the same time. Next up, also from Carlo's legacy, will be two battalions of 70eme Ligne. Don't hold your breath, but they are under way.


  1. They seem to diminish with very photograph. Are they under fire?
    I wish I could achieve a tenth of your amazing output, Foy.
    Best regards

    1. Nah - the third picture was taken before I got the command figures and the grenadiers for them.

  2. It would seem that you have added quite a large number of new French Line in the past year; how many are in the collection (ready for use) as of now?

    1. Peter - I have no idea - I'll do some counting, and get back to you!

    2. The answer, of course, is going to be messy...

      Counting the "ready to fight" (painted to completion) contingent in The Cupboard (battalions):

      French legere 7, ligne 28, converged volitigeur bns 6

      If you then add in odd units such as The Regt de Prusse, the Chasseurs des Montagnes, Garde de Paris, plus Poles, assorted Confederation regiments, Italians, King Joseph's Spaniards, Guard (Old and Otherwise), foot dragoons, converged grenadiers and whatnot, the French could in total turn out 10 light bns, 58 line bns and 11 units of converged voltigeurs (normally fielded at brigade level).

      Yes - it's primarily a campaign army!

  3. Figures are churning out at a rapid pace. Good job! How many units remain to field?

    1. Hi Jon - I'm now onto already-painted figures which need to be tidied up to match the house style (all right, no heckling at the back please!). I'm working on 2 more of the "Carlo's army" battalions, as I mentioned, and there is a Swiss unit from this collection which I'm not sure about - could strip and start again - existing paint job maybe not as good as I thought. Then there are 3 Higgins light infantry battalions which are progressing slowly. Then there are 5 (I think - maybe 4) battalions of ex-Steve Cooney HH/DK figures being retouched. That's about it at the moment!
