Wednesday 17 July 2019

French Refurb Project - Chug-Chug-Plop

Front (L to R): 2/47e Ligne (Les Higgins figures), and two battalions of the 1er Ligne, which, apart from the SHQ command figures, consist of Hinton Hunt figures from the collection of the late Eric Knowles. At the rear there are two Art Miniaturen infantry colonels, who are to command brigades (hence the coloured borders to their bases), and a battalion of the Voltigeurs of the Young Guard (all right - the Tirailleurs-Chasseurs - same deal) - Les Higgins with Art Mini command
A few more command figures completed - a few more empty slots filled in the units in the "Assembly Boxes", and suddenly today there is a gurgling noise and I have another 4 battalions complete. They are still to get their flags, but they'll be ready in a few days. Not much of a photo, I'm afraid, in the time being.

Separate Topic - a message from Sitting Bull to a man without a racist bone in his body (just lard).

Go back to where you came from. 
Some back rent wouldn't go amiss, either.


  1. May pinch the Sitting Bull 'quote' : )

  2. Love it! Both the finished battalions and the advice from Sitting Bull.

    Best Regards,


  3. I can no longer remain silent in the face of the reasonableness of Sitting Bull's request. Whilst I have enjoyed your blog for some time (wisdom and quippery, but frankly, the quippery most) as I return to the hobby after a several decade absence, stellar posts such as this command acknowledgement. Even Mrs takemebacktoelba, a woman with far more comic sophistication than I enjoyed it. OK so we are easily amused, but it did brighten a Thursday morning. Four very smart battalions as well! Best wishes from Sydney.

  4. Only one potential fly in the ointment - I believe the orange gentleman's mother was a McLeod of Lewis. Would you really want him to return to Scotland? Nice to see Eric Knowles' figures joining up and looking good!

  5. Gentlemen - thank you for your supportive reaction. I have been checking my Twitter account this morning to check I'm not officially NASTY yet - maybe it's too early in the day. I do realise that this whole news episode is planned to ensure that the American electorate are left with the impression that the Democrats are, typically, people with detestable liberal ideas, from "crime-infested" shit-hole countries - women, no less. It seems appalling that anyone, especially the President, should place his faith in the hope that his nation is as dumb as that. It seems childish, unbelievable. Maybe it's all part of this weird dream I've been having for a couple of years - perhaps The Orange Barrel and Boris and Farrage and the rest are all just characters I half-remembered from the Brothers Grimm, or the Brothers Coen.

    The only comfort I have is that commonsense insists that none of this can really be happening. It must be me.

    Anyway, I guess we have what we have - an overweight, irritable, elderly, clueless, increasingly deranged narcissist who lives on a knife-edge, and who judges the acceptability of the things he says by the number of likes he gets on Twitter - surely to God it can't go on for much longer? If I were an insurance underwriter I'd be very worried about him. If he were in a different job, his doctor would be advising him to take a bit of a rest.

    David - he is well-known in Scotland for what he is. I think if he "went back" to here he would get the hang of things pretty quickly. This is worth a look:

    though I'm pretty sure the NY Times is not an approved supply of Real News, or even Real Fake History.

    We do have some experience of the type here - I'm sorry the quality of the clip is not better, but here's a view of Big Jock (from the Golf Club) form the old "Chewing the Fat" series - seem strangely familiar?

    1. Hoping you are right that it's all a fairy-tale inspired dream and that we're close to the happy-ever-after bit.
      Saw Boris on the front pages this morning waving a dead fish. The fish (the one on the left) was unfortunately unavailable for comment.

    2. I note that El Dumpo has now been singing the praises of Boris, who must be grinding his teeth a bit now. Or maybe the UK electorate prefer their politicians to be reality TV celebs as well. Where is Jeremy Kyle when you need him?

    3. Boris’s behaviour may be because of a new piece of EU legislation...
      All politicians must now wave a kipper if they are going to tell a lie...
      I believe that there has been a bit of a stink in parliament over it....

    4. I love it. I was floundering for a fish-related response, but all I've managed is to give myself a severe haddock.

    5. I was searching for a fish-related joke, and then I got it: Grayling.

  6. Great looking troops Sir. And as for the Orange one, he can stay over that side of the pond. We don't want his kind over here. We're in enough trouble ourselves, we've got his brother from another muvva taking over the reins soon! Gawd help us all!

    1. Amen Ray. See you at the food bank - the may be plenty of American food there. $$$$$$ all round. Ker-ching!!

  7. A great advice and some beautiful French minis!

  8. Don't underestimate stupidity and good old fashioned bigotry; it was reported that at his latest rally he led the chants of "send them back" which were echoed by his supporters.....
    Red Cloud had it right "the white man made us many promises, but he kept only one; he promised to take our land and he did...."

    1. Apparently he claims it wusnae him, or at least that he disapproves of the chanting. Spot the glove puppet.

  9. Nice to see the restored Hinton Hunts - very smart!

    Soon be over, just one more year plus another four...

    1. Hi Ian - by and large, I've just preserved Eric's paintwork - fixed a couple of scrapes, freshened the whites a bit and new varnish! Easy peasy!

  10. Nice looking figures, and good progress.
    It amazes me that a man who clearly is unqualified to hold any governmental post continues to have as much support as he does, and has a fairly good chance of being re-elected thus far. Depressing in the extreme.

    1. It is an odd period of history. As from tomorrow, we in the UK are likely to have Fozzie Bear as our new PM - not really what I had in mind, but no matter.
