Tuesday 11 June 2019

The Return of Dan O'Herlihy

There's a battle coming up next week, and I have a few bits and pieces to sort out for my contribution to the spectacle. I have to paint up a couple of staff chappies, for a start. This evening's deliverable is Marshal Ney, gentlemen. His varnish is still wet and shiny, but here he is.

I do have an official Ney figure in the spares box - in fact I have a couple. I had intended to paint up Art Miniaturen's Marschall Ney, complete with bare head, waving sword and rearing horse, but I changed my mind. I also have the metal Waterloo Staff set from Waterloo 1815, but they are wildly dramatic - they are also, let it be said, some 25mm to the eyes [Massimo should drink less coffee]. The Perry Twins have now done the definitive charging Ney, albeit in a larger scale than I use, but Ney complete with bulging eyeballs, as seen in the rotunda painting, does not seem a very useful figure for me. So I've gone for a rather calmer Ney - it is an Art Miniaturen casting, right enough, but I think it's actually supposed to be Auguste Coulaincourt - I shall now forget all about that - this is Ney. I've given him a nice dashing white jabot, and he has the necessary red hair.

With a bit of luck he should have some staff by next week, and he should be a lot less shiny.


  1. Barry Minot did some nice Napoleonics in 30mm.
    His Ney on foot in Russia, musket in hand is a favorite.

  2. Only Nay sayers would say it isn't Ney, Foy. Splendid work.

    1. Thank you WM - Martin S tells me the figure looks more like Patrick Swayze than Dan O'Herlihy. Maybe there's just a ghost of a resemblance - maybe Martin should have gone to Specsavers. Anyway, it's Ney - I am calm.

  3. Coincidentaly I posted pictures of my recently completed Ney yesterday.


    Two Neys in a day.

    1. Very nice, Mark - the Davout is especially good, too. A sudden rush of Neys - I wonder if there could be an anniversary coming up? That's certainly my motivation, anyway!

    2. Mark - Blogger is playing tricks again - most comments result in my getting an email notification from Blogger, a few (e.g. comments from Gonsalvo and Stryker) don't send a notification, but hide quietly in the "awaiting moderation" folder, so I check in there every couple of days or so. A very few (e.g. yourself and maybe two others I can think of) just go straight to Spam - no idea why - with no notification. I'll keep checking my Spam folder, but I'm bound to miss one eventually. I shall continue to look into this.

  4. Tony - a suitably splendid Ney, he'll need to stay calm if he is to reverse his fortunes at Quatre Bras so bulging eyeballs would not help!

    1. Thanks Ian - I think he carries his bulging eyeballs in his holster, just in case.

  5. A calm, cool, and collected Ney. Very handsomely painted too.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thank you Stokes - the new Series 7 brushes have been in action!

  6. That's lovely.
    The horse looks extremely unworried. Clearly doesn't know what's coming....

    1. I think they give them drugs, you know.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray - his ADC should be next up - that's a rather less subdued figure!

  8. A fine version of the Prince of the Moskova!
    Foe some reason Blogger has decided that my email (in use for 20 years...) is somehow suspect, so it doesn't send notifications of my comments... even my own on my own blog. I have no idea how to convince it otherwise.

    550 5.7.1 Unauthenticated email from aol.com is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy. Please contact the administrator of aol.com domain if this was a legitimate mail. Please visit https://support.google.com/mail/answer/2451690 to learn about the DMARC initiative. f95sor676778otb.139 - gsmtp

    1. Thanks Peter. DMARC - ah yes. I'm having trouble with DMARC too. I think this is a policy issue between suppliers. Google won't accept automatic notifications from my email provider either, so I think it's out of our hands. If I put a comment on someone else's blog, as often as not I get a Delivery Failure note saying that the automatic notification to them has failed because of DMARC. If I accept an invitation from someone else's Google Calendar (which doesn't happen very often, but hey) then my acceptance works but, again, the automatic notification to their email fails - DMARC. Could it be Branding Wars II?

  9. Splendid little Ney and fine paint job.

  10. Very nice indeed Tony...

    All the best. Aly
