Wednesday 20 March 2019

French Refurb project - Fettling & Filing

I'm trying to speed up progress with getting my various heaps of French infantry refurbed. I'll use a painting service to help with this, since otherwise I am likely to be outfaced by the size of the task, and to hide in a corner somewhere and wait for it to go away.

Not suitable for children under 3 years old.
As a background job I work away on restoring the pre-painted rank and file, but progress has been disappointing lately - it would give me a big lift to get some of this stuff finished and in The Cupboard - it would also ease some of my storage problems.

Over the last few years I've accumulated yet another pile of pre-owned French infantry - mostly Les Higgins and Der Kriegsspieler, but some Hinton Hunts and other things too. I've now organised my ideas on this lot so that I'm aiming at a definite number of battalions - I have mentioned this number to friends, and the reaction is usually rather uneasy laughter, so I shan't mention it today. The big shortfall is in command figures and Higgins flank company chaps. For the HH and DK battalions I have some suitable command figures already in the spares box, but it's mostly going to be SHQ/Kennington to fill the gaps; for the Higgins battalions I have a decent number of the Higgins officers (all standing pointing, foot on a mole-hill), and will make up the shortfall with Art Miniaturen, Qualiticast and also Schilling, who make some very nice voltigeur/grenadier figures which are a nice match for Higgins.

I'm scratching away at a first shipment to go to the painter - command figures for light infantry and line infantry. As long as there's plenty of decent music and coffee, time spent grinding off spare metal and stabbing myself with needle files is not as bad as I think it's going to be - and it will be a relief to get stuff away to the painter. First package should go away at the end of this week - probably about 4 dozen castings, counting a mounted colonel as 2.

Hi ho! Ouch.


  1. You are both methodical and pragmatic. If you are so inclined, send a handful my way for a slap of paint. Your cost is only shipping out to the States.

    1. You know, that;'s super idea, Jon. I would happily paint a unit as well. It could be kind of fun to have an army with a number of its battalions painted by different friends!

      Once upon a time I had a fair number of Der Kriegspieler and Hinton Hunt figures in my own miniature forces!

    2. Jon, Peter - I'm actually very interested in this - if you can be bothered, I'd be delighted to get some painting done in this way - I do already have a number of units painted by friends (some of them, alas, dead friends!) and it adds a genuine richness to the collection. If you send me an email ping to the address in my profile (I'm not going to reproduce it here in case I get bombarded by Ukrainian bots!) I'll get back to you to see what would be possible. Let me say right away that this is a very kind idea, however it works out! Thanks, gentlemen.

    3. Likewise!
      As will be seen in a future post on my blog, I am acquiring a substantial number of figures from the collection of a gamer that I knew pretty well form games at Historicion the past 10 years or so, who passed away much too soon last month. They are somewhat "old school" figures, but that's fine as I have plenty of them myself, and I will certainly remember him with fondness each time the figures come out.

  2. Interesting crop circles you've got appearing there, Foy!

    1. So I have! Once, years ago, I was cutting some thin plywood, and I was fascinated by the way the sawdust collected at the nodes of the standing waves in the sheets - this is a lot less scientific, of course - this is merely the result of textured kitchen roll, a marketing advantage we might usefully debate. On a sophistication scale, it probably is not quite up there with textured toilet paper, but it's getting close. What happened to *printed* kitchen roll? - I used to buy cheap rolls that had cool pink and blue daisies and stuff printed on them. Maybe they stopped doing that because it implied that housewives were stupid - if you are going to wipe up baby-sick, naturally it is far better to have printed daisies on your towels - I mean, I can see that.

  3. A major expansion plan there Tony. I tell you what, given the offer above if you want to send a battalion over to Spain I'll enjoy painting it for you as a little gift. Leave that with you. I have lots of time on my hands now and spend a lot of it painting, it would be my pleasure and saves me spending my own cash on figures I end up selling for peanuts!

    1. Fantastic - thanks Lee - very much - I'll email you. I'm going to get myself registered as a charity!

  4. Hello I am still short of half-a-dozen figures of a particular do you fancy assisting me with them and in return I'll paint something for you?

    1. Hi Iain - I very rarely have figures that anyone wants, but I'll be pleased to help if I can. I'll be in touch - thanks for the suggestion.
