Sunday 17 February 2019

Hooptedoodle #323 - Mugs' Game - yes, I do tacky as well

Yesterday's unexpected digression onto the topic of coffee reminded me that I have forgotten to show off my new Napoleonic mugs. I got these a few weeks ago from Amazon - I was looking for something completely unconnected, and came across them. Too good an opportunity to miss, I'm sure you will agree!

Those of you who have come to take for granted my ubercool, cosmic sophistication and exemplary good taste may be a little shaken by this picture. I thought they were fun, and crass enough to appeal to the inverted snob in my soul, so I ordered four of them (which involves a pleasing but baseless implication that I have some friends who might join me for coffee). Here they are - eat your heart out. The world of novelty mugs is a source of unbounded surprises - I did also, briefly, consider a mug bearing a political poster for Mussolini, but I decided against it. I'll maybe get the set of espresso cups with that design. Hmmm.

Interesting footnote to this purchase: I ordered 4 designs, but because I couldn't get them all from the same Amazon Marketplace supplier I spread the order over two suppliers. The spirit of competition is alive and well, even in the world of online shopping - or maybe not. The four mugs arrived in a single parcel, with a single set of documentation. The two suppliers are in fact one and the same, merely trading under two different names. Oh well.   


  1. Oooooh! I live in a house full of "dog mugs", mostly but not exclusively Italian Grey hounds. "Soldier" mugs just might be a nice intrusion.

    1. I used to have a vast and completely pointless collection of mugs for English football clubs - interestingly, I don't know what happened to them. I suspect that my first wife has been raking it in, selling them on eBay for years.

  2. Now if you had a Charles and Diana commemorative wedding mug like my mother I'd be impressed.

    1. Charles and Diana - quality. I must mention that on the wedding day I deliberately went out for a walk in the Pentland hills, so I may be one of very few UK residents who were alive at the time who didn't watch it on TV. I used to have a Pentland Hills mug as well, but that is also lost. Where's that insurance policy?

  3. Well I know Im tacky and I love the mugs, well done.

    1. Thank you Robbie - you must drop in for a cuppa!

  4. At the risk of coming across like a crass, unsophisticated bumpkin, the grenadier mug at the front is actually kind of neat. There. I said it. But we are already swimming in far too many so called novelty mugs in our house. They tend to breed like rabbits, and there are times, believe it or not, when I'd give my eye teeth to have coffee or tea in a plain old china cup and saucer. . . without Harry and Meghan, Melania, or similar, emblazoned across the side.

    Best Regards,


    1. Melania? Hmmm. This is a wind-up, isn't it? Are you getting a Mexican Wall mug?

    2. I suspect a Mexican wall mug would be quite expensive...
      A Mexican wave mug on the other hand...

      I also rather like the Grenadier mug...

      All the best. Aly

    3. It's OK - I'd make the coffee pay for the mug. What do you mean, "that doesn't make sense"?

      It has occurred to me, speaking of walls, thet the Mexicans might be quite pleased to chip in for the wall budget, in the interests of keeping out white extremist nutjobs with automatic weapons. It's just as well I don't understand anything, I think.

      I liked the French staff one best - it is entitled "At Eylau" in the catalogue - is that correct?

  5. My mother-in-law brings coffee mugs from Finnish firm Arabia when she visits. Sadly Arabia don't do Continnuation War coffee mugs (too soon?) or Hakkapeliitta (too obscure?) so I have to make do with painting uniforms on the Moomins. Luckily Moomipapa already has a 1790s Swedish infantry hat ;-)

    1. Moomins are good - in a former life, in another family, I was constantly surrounded by Moominalia - I'd forgotten about that.

      The Continuation War reminds me that when I was really quite old and wise (as I thought) I found myself in Kajaani, and visited the churchyard (as one does) to find that a lot of the graves had photos of the deceased - young men in German WW2 uniforms. Such was my ignorance, that was an aspect of WW2 that I had never suspected.

    2. Men from the Nordic division of the Waffen SS, Germans from the Arctic army (in the Lapland War) or just Finns in German style helmets/sporting the Finnish version of the swastika (not a Nazi emblem)?

      Ah, Kajaani. Hometown of the remarkable Heikki Savolainen. 'Medalled' (oo-er) in 5 successive Olympics - with a 12 year gap between 1936 and '48 during which he had other things on his plate.

    3. I don't know who the young man were serving with - I just assumed they were serving in the German army. Kajaani was my first ever experience of 24-hour daylight, which was a more disturbing experience than I had expected. People walking dogs in the park at 3am and all that. I was there for four days, and improvised a system wherby I went jogging every morning at 6:30 before breakfast. That put a sort of milepost into the day. It was also during their Spring jazz festival, which meant that people were drunk all round the clock.

  6. Clinky rather tacky, I'd say. What you really need, of course, are beer steins covered in charging Prussians. Fascist dictators, not so good. Having said that, I have a Chinese communist mug with Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao on it, so don't listen to me.

    1. Dictator mugs could be trending - see references to Mexican Wall above.

  7. Ahead of the curve Foy, bravo! Just a few weeks back I saw that Perry Miniatures now offered ‘military themed’ mugs, but here you are, like a hipster, offering up a full set of older variants. Very nice.

    1. Than you Ivan - being a lifestyle direction-setter just seems to come naturally, I don't know...

      I had an email from my friend Martin, who suggested that themed bowls to keep the potato chips in would be useful for wargamers. By gum - the very idea - anyone seen with potato chips within a hundred metres of my soldiers is in dead trouble.

  8. I rather like the mugs! of course, I don't drink coffee and seldom drink tea.
    Napoleonic themed wineglasses? I could go for that; just the thing to hold your Chambertin! :-)

    (And yes, that id Napoleon at Eylau on the "staff" mug)
