Monday 28 January 2019

Bavarians - 3rd Divn Infantry now complete

Bavarian 10. LIR "Junker"
The infantry for the 3rd Divn of VII Corps of 1809 are now finished. Both battalions of the 10th line regiment were based and provided with flags and sabots this morning, and photos taken for the Catalogue.

1st Battalion - that'll be Oberstleutnant Von Poellnitz on the cuddy
2nd Battalion
The cavalry are still to be painted, as are the artillery, but I now have the figures in stock. I'll put some photos of the artillery castings up here in a day or so. I still need to paint some brigadiers, and some sappers would be nice. It's all gone rather well thus far - I'm not sure when (or if) the 2nd Divn is likely to get started, but I have figures ready for that as well. One project at a time, if you don't mind.

And because it seemed a suitable occasion, here's a picture of all the finished infantry - here you see General Deroy, with the 5th (Buttler) and 7th (Gunther) Light Bns, and the 9th (Ysenburg), 10th (Junker), 5th (Von Preysing) and 14th Line Regts, all the line units being of two battalions.

Deroy with the infantry of 3rd Divn, VII Corps, all ready for the Danube campaign


  1. An impressive looking force and the speed with which you've put them together is impressive as well!

    1. Thanks Ian - I have two secrets:

      (1) no day job

      (2) very little imagination!

  2. A most eye pleasing and stirring sight Tony, excellent choice of figures/poses. THis has all seemed to come together quite quickly.

    1. Hi Lee - thank you sir - yes, it's gone pretty well - especially since I kept interrupting the production line with refurb projects! I have SHQ and Franznap artillery figures to mull over - nice enough figures, but I may have to keep them separate!

  3. Ahhhh, I love the smell of Humbrols in the morning! Lovely looking troops there.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes - working with two-battalion regiments is maybe giving me indigestion - that's the last of the big batches for a while.

  4. Just out of interest how long does it take to paint a single infantry figure Tony? There looks to be tons of work in that lot. Splendid looking chaps by the way.

    1. Problem is mostly keeping the head together during big batches. This regiment has been doodling along since early December - I see I painted the mounted officers as a separate sub-project on 10th Dec. These old Hinton Hunt and Der Kriegsspieler castings are quite hard work - for example, the lapels on these infantrymen are not exactly in your face - I have to keep the amount of paint down, so as not to mask the detail - trick with these chaps is to paint the lapels first (before the paint gets too thick) then pick out the cornflower blue coat colour and the piping round the lapels - the good news is that the amount of detail is not fantastic - you almost have interpret where the piping goes. Problem I have with more modern castings is almost the opposite - the detail is cast so that it is easy to see, so you'd better make a nice job of what's there!

  5. Fine work, Tony! The entire 1809 Bavarian contingent will be on the parade ground before you know it. The Bavarian infantry uniform has always been one of my favorites and your look super.

    1. Thanks Jon - I'm getting there! Getting the units painted two by two is a grunt at times but it does get the job done. [Well, it was good enough for Noah]

  6. They look the biz, bet you're chuffed!

    1. Hi Ray - I am, as you say, chuffed. At the moment I am thinking more about the guys still to painted. On a scale of "glass half full" to "glass half empty", I've always been more like "you mean there's a glass?".

  7. Lovely looking toys Tony...
    Well worth the effort

    All the best. Aly

  8. The Bavarians were the first CoR troops I ever painted - Der Kriegspielers, back in the early 1970's. It is still a very handsome uniform. They were replaced with Foundry figures about 20 years ago. Your Division outnumbers my Bavarians by 2:1 now, although I do at least have a battery and a unit each of Chevau-Leger and Dragoons to go with them!
