Thursday, 2 August 2018

Bavarians - Another Test Figure - Lt Bn No.5

Really not making good progress with painting this week, but have produced another painted test figure - this time for Light Bn No.5 (Buttler). Again, the casting is by Hagen, from the old Falcon range. Nice little figures these, I think.

There is something psychologically more satisfying, when time is short, in producing a single finished figure rather than, say, painting (most of) the crossbelts of an ongoing battalion of two dozen.

More of Buttler's chaps will be seen before long. Apart from another two battalions which are dribbling along in the background at the moment, the next big intake of breath is scheduled to be two battalions of the 5th Line Infantry. Bad news is that these are more of the Der Kriegsspieler castings, which are eyeball-busters as far as I am concerned; good news is that the facings are plain pink, with no piping, which simplifies things quite a bit.

I won't do any more test figures until the current batches are finished. A cavalry test must appear soon, but I'll avoid getting distracted by that at present.

Light a candle to St Luke and press on. No-one said this was going to be quick.


  1. Very nice crisp painting there Tony, hes a great little character. I really enjoyed your previous post too. You must have packing up the van for the Travelling Wargame Show off to a tee now!

  2. Agreed! If I did not know better, I'd say he looks like a much larger 54mm figure. Really nicely executed.

    Best Regards,


  3. The paint job has brought out a really nice character.

  4. He is excellent, Foy. Your Bavarians are going to be amazing.

  5. A very handsome looking fellow. Interestingly, in almost 50 years in the hobby and well over 10,000 figures painted,I have never once done a test figure myself!

  6. Thanks very much for comments, gentlemen - sorry for slow response here - for some reason I have been unable to submit comments to my own blog. There was a day when I'd have been interested to work out why but recently it has not been that day. Today it worked - perhaps that goat sacrifice did the trick. Anyway, thanks very much.

  7. That's one smart looking fellow - just another 47 smart looking fellows to go!
