Friday, 10 November 2017

Guest Spot - London Lobsters

Steve Cooney was kind enough to send me photos of some more of his ECW troops last week.

He writes:

Thought you might like to take a look at a couple of photos of an ECW unit I just refinished.

It's Sir Arthur Hesilrige’s Cuirassier Regiment, the Heavy Cavalry of Sir William Waller’s Parliamentarian Army 1643. Figures are Hinton Hunt with a couple of recasts to make up the numbers; Officers and Cornet are Hinton Hunt conversions and the trumpeter is a Les Higgins conversion.

Steve is very skilled with his conversion work - a true master of the soldering iron. He has recently supplied me with a shed-load of French Napoleonic infantry; these are mostly old Der Kriegsspieler castings, which he has modified to lengthen the legs a little, to make them more directly compatible with Hinton Hunt. I'm working my way through these, retouching as necessary to freshen the colours and rejuvenate them a bit. Retouching is always a challenge - knowing when to stop is important, and I have the further benchmark of trying to make sure that the figures end up somewhere close to the quality of Steve's original paintwork!

Since there will be a delay before my proposed Bavarian project can start in earnest (I'm waiting for a shipment of figures, and have a lot more to order up), this job will serve to keep my eye in. Because I'm using many colours simultaneously, I've set up a proper (well, improvised) wet palette, which is a big help, saving time and cutting down the waste of paint.

These French troops will need a few weeks' work, and I also have to collect some suitable command figures for them, but once completed they will contribute most of another division for my Salamanca forces.

Thanks again, Steve.


  1. A splendid looking unit Steve with clever conversions!

    Tony - will you be posting any work in progress pics of the French?

    1. Hi Ian. I could do - a bit of a factory process at the moment. I'm doing the French in 3 preliminary batches. I've got about 70 fusiliers on the bottletops at present - I've broken that into two lots, the first of which might be ready for basing today or tomorrow. There is then a mixed batch of 30 voltigeurs and grenadiers (the grenadiers are Alberken, but a decent match for the DKs) and then I have to get together command figures for 5 battalions. I have some nice Art Miniaturen mounted colonels (though I have still to check they look OK for size with the DKs - if they're a bit big I'll use SHQ colonels) and the rest of the command will be Hinton Hunt or (possibly converted) SHQ - or whatever else I can find!

      I also have to face the challenge of printing some decent flags on my new printer - hmmm.

      When I've got this first batch ready for basing, I'll maybe do a quick photo. The idea is for "effective en masse", so they are not going to win any painting competitions. Never mind the quality, feel the width...

  2. Indeed, a neat looking unit. Was it the Higgins Dragoon Steve used for the Trumpet? It fits really well.

  3. Yes! They really call to mind Gilderesque, or similar, figures I've seen in photos from the 1970s or very early 80s. Lovely work.

    Best Regards,


  4. Lovely stuff, but massive compared to my 6mm lads. Must be nice painting figures you don't have to peer through a magnifying glass at! Mind you at least I'm spared the pain of head swops etc. Kudos to you Mr Cooney. Thanks for showing them to us Tony.
