Saturday, 29 July 2017

Lancelot? - 1000 and still rambling

The flow of finished staff officers is merely a dribble at present - Chateau Foy is being painted on a grand scale, so there are more rollers in evidence than No.1 brushes. This is all good - we now realise that our lovely white house had acquired a definite shade of pale green.

However, here's one new arrival. This is the first of the figures for the new-format "Marshal Marmont" command stand - the castings are from Hagen - the rider is from a useful pack of assorted ADCs and the horse, I believe, is a Turkish Crimean horse, but it is fine. It is a well known fact [bluff] that French ADCs were much given to Turkish military fashion - or was it Egyptian? Whatever - it's fine.

This is one of Marmont's aides - he might be 2nd Lt Lancelot-Meunier, of the 15e Chasseurs (sadly I do not know his first name), who was on Marmont's personal staff at Los Arapiles - he adds a bit more colour and variety to the army. It is not inappropriate to have a Lancelot in my Peninsular War collection - the brigade commander for King Joseph's Guard is a General Merlin, after all, and the British Big Boss is a bloke named Arthur, so it all fits together nicely.

Lancelot's companions will be along shortly - they are undercoated and ready for their treatment.

I am surprised to learn that this is my 1000th post on this blog. For anyone who reads this stuff on any kind of regular basis, I can only offer my sincere thanks and my sympathy - I really didn't expect to have this much to say. As a monument to self-indulgence and rambling verbosity it is not without significance, I guess. As my late cousin used to say, "I hadn't realised you could pile it so high". Back in the beginning, the blog was described as "discursive" - a term which was maybe not without a faint pejorative resonance.

Spot on!


  1. Nice figure that Lance! And hugged congrats for the 1000 post?

    1. Thanks Ray - I usual play down (or fail to notice) landmarks like this, but 1000 posts is a bit sobering - what a windbag!

  2. I'm just over 100, Foy, and thought I was doing well. Clearly not.

    A very nicely executed figure.


    1. Thank you WM - I am enjoying the luxury of doing a series of one-off custom staff figures - it gives me an opportunity to take extra trouble to get the piping straight(ish) and the buttons there-or-thereabouts, an effort which would oppress me greatly for full battalions!

  3. Tony, congratulations on crossing the 1,000 post milestone. Quite an accomplishment. There rarely seems to be a dull moment at Chateau Foy. I have enjoyed following every step of your journey.

    Good show and here's to the next 1,000!

    1. Thanks, Jon, for your support. I shall always wear it.

  4. Tony, that really is impressive, both the ADC and the number of posts!

  5. Best blog I've frequented. Congrats on the 1000th post and cheers for introducing me to the joy of hex.

  6. Keep going - I'm sure you can pile it higher still!

  7. I was a bit confused by an ADC having a lance until I put my glasses on and saw that its was a paintbrush in behind him....

    Anyway congrats on a 1,000 posts.

    As for "self-indulgence and rambling verbosity", speaking strictly as a blogger, I'm all for it.

  8. Thank you all, gentlemen, for positive messages - I shall crack on with the next 1000, immediately...
