Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Not Quite the Siege of Newcastle 1644 - (4) Stand Down

Best laid plans, and all that.

Unfortunately, a sudden outbreak of Real World means that the (overpublicised?) siege game scheduled for Wednesday has had to be cancelled. Postponed is a nicer word.

It would probably have been more sensible, and certainly less embarrassing, if I had adopted a low-risk approach, kept quiet about the project and simply posted a game report once it had been played, but I never did have much sense. [Oh no - it's been on TMP and everything...]

Anyway - not to worry, I've taken sketches and photos, and I've filed away the documentation  so I can set it all up again when opportunity presents itself. I have apologised to the guest generals. Ho hum.

I'll be a little preoccupied for a few days. Look after yourselves until we meet again.


  1. That's real life for you.
    Take care until you can take up the cudgels again.

  2. Real life's a pig at times. Suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but take it steady.
