Sunday, 18 September 2016

We Apologise for This Interruption in Service

Things have been a bit complicated around here recently - personal and family issues connected with my mother's infirmity mean that I am unlikely to have much time for wargaming or any other leisure activity for a little while.

Thanks to everyone who drops in here - it really is appreciated. I hope things will be back to normal for me before too long - I wish you all peace and comfort!


Someone very kindly sent me a link to the following, which is one of the celebrated 1950s Interlude sequences which the BBC used to employ when programme schedules got out of whack, or when the technology had a headache. This is dedicated to all those who remember those hairy old days of TV with affection, and also to anyone who prefers their films not to have too many sudden surprises, or any of that modern, psychological nonsense. Enjoy.


  1. Having had to deal with my mother's increasing descent into dementia since Christmas you have my deepest sympathy and understanding.

  2. Best wishes.

    I used to watch the local windmill all the time in summer when having lunch. Who needs the new age retreats when you can just sit in the sun and watch grain get turned :)

  3. I've been through something of that sort and just hooe that things go as well as possible for you and your family.

  4. Best wishes, Foy. You have my deepest sympathy also.

  5. Good luck to you, I'll be keeping a thought for you and your family.

  6. Peace and comfort to you as well... I suspect we'll all be here when you get back... :o)

  7. Gentlemen - thank you all very much for the kind sentiments. Jacko - ah yes - where has all the flour gone?

  8. All the best Tony, hope things get back to normal for you soon.
