Sunday, 4 September 2016

ECW - Guest Spot...

Steve Cooney very kindly sent me a note with some more pictures of his ECW troops, focusing on conversions. As far as I am concerned, this is a key topic, since the illustrations show a mixture of 20mm Hinton Hunt and Les Higgins cavalry figures (of which I use quite a few), and Steve explains the steps he has taken to improve the compatibility of these two makes.

Steve writes:

"...thought you might like to see some figures I tidied up recently....

They are Les Higgins and Hinton Hunt ECW Royalist and Parliamentarian Cavalry, I have attached a couple of photos. I snip the joints between the base and the horses forelegs on the Higgins figures, raise the front of the horse, and re-solder it so that the finished figure is slightly higher than it was originally.  

That way the Les Higgins figures are very compatible with the Hinton Hunt figures and are lovely models in their own right.

Hope you like them."

Thanks Steve - informative and inspirational!


  1. Steve's ECW troops are spectacular! I saw some of them during my travels. Simply gorgeous.

  2. Wow! They really are impressive.

  3. Those are very nice indeed.

  4. I have great respect for those who can solder toy soldiers.
    Great looking figs.

  5. Steve's work is always spectacular and clever too - lovely looking troops!

  6. I enjoyed studying those pictures, they stand together very well and are nicely painted. Lots of them too!

    Also enjoyed your previous battle report, great to see the ECW's out again.

  7. A the great old stuff. I have to ask John for some more figures to enlarge my Hinton-Hunt cavalry...

    Good paintjob too!

  8. Steve is a whiz with the hot iron!
