Friday, 8 July 2016

Hooptedoodle #226 - New Star on the Farm

Not exactly wildlife, and not ours anyway, but there is a new foal on the farm, who is going down very well with the Saturday morning horse ladies, and is becoming a bit of a tourist attraction.

Just a couple of weeks old - this shot is taken about 30 feet from our front garden, so I guess he's a neighbour. Something of a reluctant photographer's model, since he likes to scratch his nose on a fence post, but you get the idea.

Everyone say, "aahhh!".


  1. As Mrs. Kinch would say "baby horse!"

  2. ps You have no idea how dangerous this sort of post is in terms of inciting others. I'm currently visiting family and my niece is bottle feeding a small, cute, blind, black lamb which, when you open the door to the shed, immediately bleets a very clear Baaa, baaa, baaaaaa .
