Monday, 21 December 2015

ECW - Guest Appearance

Steve C, that noted collector, convertor and painter of Hinton Hunt figures, very kindly sent me some pictures of ECW figures in his collection, and I think they are so good that I felt I might wallow in a little reflected glory and share his photos here. I emphasise that these figures are not mine - I sincerely wish they were!

Steve describes them thus:

Royalist: four companies of the King's Lifeguard Regiment of Foote - Colonel Lord Lindsey's, Lt Colonel William Leighton's, Major Robert Markham's and a  Captain’s Company, with Charles 1st at their head . 

Parliamentarian : Earl of Essex’s  Regiment. 

All are Hinton Hunt figures with a couple of Les Higgins conversions.


  1. Replies
    1. They certainly remind me that I am just dabbling in this hobby!

  2. Careful, Foy, the glory intensity from that lot is blinding and possibly even fissile!

  3. Now isn't the mounted figure between the two dismounted HHs a Kennington or some such? He certainly isn't a Hinton or a Higgins.
    Lovely units !

    1. Position of left hand and big gauntlet on short arm suggests he might have been a Kennington Napoleonic French mounted infantry officer.

  4. Replies
    1. I lost count, but I think the red unit is about 74 men.

  5. Indeed! Splendid (and somehow rather Christmasy).

    1. Agreed. That is a lovely visual Christmas present, a mass of Old School goodness.

  6. 74 men. what sze of game is that? I am scratchng around with 24 in a Hinton ECW unit .
    Dare we ask hw jany in each army?

    1. We can certainly ask, but, since I know nothing about them, I don't expect an answer.

    2. A clue - Steve tells me he has about 1500 ECW soldiers altogether - this sounds like a big operation...
