Friday, 1 May 2015

Waterloo 200 Playing Cards

While spending a spare hour in Waterstone's book store in Edinburgh on Monday, I spotted a set of playing cards to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo, by Piatnik of Vienna. Only £4.99 to you, sir, and very attractive too. Here's a sample of some of the cards - as a small gift (even for yourself) these have to be good value.

I am very fond of playing cards (I mean as objects...) and I have a few interesting sets - nothing valuable, and certainly nothing that might be regarded as a collection. My favourite is a pack I bought in Naples which has (I think) 6 suits - never learned how they play with them. I had a friend who was a serious collector, he used to specialise in Tarot cards from all over the world - beautiful, but definitely a bit weird for me.


  1. Is it possible to order a deck by mail? If so, do you happen to know the address?

    Thanks and best regards,

    Chris Johnson

    1. Hi Chris - I had a poke around, and it seems Amazon USA have them! - check out
