Monday, 25 May 2015

Home brewed flags - Spanish backlog (3)

Yet more of the same - I was beginning to think this is all getting a bit boring for anyone who doesn't actually care about my Spanish army, but then it occurred to me that this is probably as good a free download of Spanish Napoleonic flags as you're likely to find (with all due humility), so I've decided to carry on for a bit. Somewhere, someone may find them useful one day...

I only have the first battalion of the Guardias Wallones in my army, and the flag appears here, but I am slightly crestfallen to read that the flag for the 2nd battalion was rather more interesting, having a blue ground. Not to worry. The Cataluña regiment were light infantry, by the way.

Instructions are the same as before - save large version, and print at 23mm high for 1/72 - trim off the green border.

Regto de la Reina - coronela

Regto do la Reina - sencilla

1st Bn Guardias Walones

1.Voluntarios de Cataluna
That's enough infantry flags to give me something to work with for now. Next up are some cavalry flags - they are fun, but there's hardly any source images, so this is real head-crushing stuff. Watch this space...


  1. Boring!! are you kidding this is pure gold. Please carry on as long as you are able.

    At the very least it keeps us all occupied while we eagerly await the definitive post on provincial militia. Seriously, I intend to reflag my regts with your excellent versions, for which I thank you.

  2. Keep up the good work Foy. Old John has been chastising me for not having sufficient flags for years. You might be the one to turn the tide.

  3. Not boring at all... I stumbled across your blog ultimately because I searched "spanish flags napoleonic wars" via Google but I've been reading several of your posts over the past hour and I really enjoy it.

    Back to the flags... I'm new to this hobby but have already decided that I want to build units from The Army of Galicia even though I've painted only 4 fusiliers from the Hibernia Regiment so far lol. I have their flags and the Rey Regiments as well... now I can add Voluntarios de Cataluna thanks to you :)

    1. Hi Joseph - just spotted your comment - better late than whatever-it-is! Hope your army goes well - I've had a lot of fun and interest working on my own Spanish boys. It is necessary to develop a new approach to wargaming with a Spanish force, fortified by the pleasure of taking part rather than by winning anything! (I never won anything anyway...)
